Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I'm Searching for a Church, Which one is Right?

Nothing can be more confusing than to drive around looking for a new church to connect with.  Nearly on every corner, there is a type of “church.”   One may question:  Why so many?  Why so many of the same type of church? Who is right?  Who is wrong?  Can all of them be right or wrong? 

When one is searching for a church, there is more than just seeing what types of “programs” they offer.  However, “programs” can be a starting point to reaching and connecting with those who are seeking to better themselves, their children, or the entire family. 

It was in the early 1960’s that my father was searching for a better life and more meaning to his spiritual life.  One day, he got a knock on his door from some people who attended the Lemay Church in St. Louis, MO.  They were having their yearly Vacation Bible School (VBS) and had invited him and the family.  My dad accepted the invitation and attended with his family (I wasn’t born yet).  The invitation to the VBS changed his life, my mother’s and our family.  My dad and mom surrendered their lives to Jesus and they resurrected into the new life, which Scripture calls baptism (Romans 6:3-4).  From that invitation to attend a VBS, all six of my parent’s children are born again believers.  Two of the six kids are preachers.  And, most of all the grandchildren are born again believers and some of them serve in a variety of ways in leadership with the church where they are attending. 

Never underestimate the power of inviting someone to your church “program” or worship gatherings.  It just might change their lives for generations to come. 

In seeking the “right” church, one must conclude that there is no perfect church.  We are all sinners in the need of God’s grace.  However, there are at least a couple of important factors one needs to consider when making the final decision as to where to go.

First of all, is Jesus the center?  No one should attend a “church” if Jesus isn’t the centerpiece of it.  Colossians 1:18, Christ is also the head of the church, which is his body.” (NLT)  If the church is run by man’s philosophies of what you can and cannot do and who you can and cannot associate with, then stay far way.  That means, Jesus isn’t the center, man is. 

Secondly, is Jesus the leader?  There have been many who have built facilities to worship in or have started a church for one reason or another.  Just because one started a church, he/she isn’t the boss; Jesus is.  By boss I mean, lead builder.  Matthew 16:18, says that Jesus will build his church.  The church is not a literal building, but rather, a spiritual one.  It is inside the hearts of people who have surrendered to Jesus as Lord and Savior and those who have resurrected in the new life.  God does the adding to the “church” and it is relationship based. (Acts 2:41)

“Churches” are everywhere!  No one has the market on who is the most right.  For all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)  However, there are many who strive to be the very best they can be biblically and spiritually.  Always ensure in your search that you compare what the preachers, teachers, and their periodicals say with the bible.  Never let anyone tell you they are the only ones going to heaven.  For if they do, they have just made themselves the perfect church.  There is no such thing as the perfect church!  But there is a perfect Savior! 

Remember, Be God Controlled!


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

You are a Gift From God

It was January 9th 1991 that would forever change our world.  It was the day our first-born child made his entrance into the world.  He was so tiny and fragile.  His voice cried out for the first time, as he was being washed and then handed to his mother for very first time.  He was given the name Roman.  Little did we know that his life would be exactly how the bible defines it to be, strong and powerful!

God is in the gifting business on a daily basis.  He knows when to give the gift and exactly who should receive the gift.  God is incredibly thoughtful to our needs and his timing is impeccable.  The gift of a son was not in our timing, but God’s timing. 

God gave us another gift on July 2nd 1996.  Her name is Tessa.  She made her entrance into the world not knowing how important she would be to her parents.  She too is strong, but she is also sensitive.  She has a heart that feels the pain of others and is always doing her best to help everyone.  Her name means, “to gather.”  How fitting for a young lady who gathers those who are struggling or dealing with hurtful issues and she gathers them to comfort and show compassion. 

Again, God’s gifts are unmistakable and perfectly timed.  Both of our children are not only gifts to us, but to the world in which God placed them to live and work and interact.  Roman is a youth minister in Tennessee.  He powerfully shares Jesus and mentors and motivates teens to live the Jesus life.  Our daughter Tessa lives in California as she supports her husband who serves our nation in the Navy.  Also, Tessa works with children and helps take care of their needs.  She loves them and shares with them joy and laughter and hugs and a warmth of a kind soul. 

It is true that I could be a bit bias in my assessment of our children, but I am not at all bias in my assessment of our God who is the greatest gift giver ever.  He knows each of us on a personally level and is constantly providing us with everything we need to live our lives to the fullest. 

Think for a moment of the gifts you have right now!   Reading this means you have the gift if eyesight.  Someone may say, “yeah, but I need glasses to read it.”  But at least you can see to read and God gifted someone with the ability to invent glasses.  It is a matter of perspective in what we truly want to see God giving us in our lives to help us. 

The gifts are galore:  Water.  Heat.  Cold.  Trees.  Flowers.  Food.  Mountains.  Cars.  Friends.  Children.  Stars.  Home.  Love.  Jesus.  Shoes.  Fingers.  Hair.  Airplanes.  Medicine.  Sleep.  Clothes.  Dogs and cats.  Lady bugs.  Light and dark.  Hugs and kisses.  Lips.  Taste.  Feel.  Touch.  And the list is endless. 

James 1:17 says that all perfect gifts come from God.  God is always going to see to it that we get the perfect gift at the perfect time.  It is true that there are those who suffer greatly or go hungry or homeless or lonely or jobless or a host of other problems.  The key to God’s gift is realizing that you are the gift to the sufferer, the hungry, the homeless, the lonely, the jobless or whatever problems others are dealing with in their life. 

Galatians 6:2 tells us to carry each other’s burdens.  When we believe that God created us as a gift and to be a gift, then our perspective toward others will radically change.  When will see opportunity rather than burdens. We will finally use the gift to bring hope to the hurting, love to the lonely, refuge to the homeless, food to the hungry, and employment to the jobless. 

See yourself as a God-gift.  Keep the gift unwrapped and usable.  Be approachable.  Be Kind.  Be Gentle.  Be Hope.  Be Help.  Be Jesus.  Be ready. Be a gift!

Remember, Be God controlled!
