Wednesday, November 9, 2022

My Joy is Zapped and God Doesn’t Care About Me!

How can I experience joy that lasts, when...

I’m feeling the effects of high inflation that results in high gas prices and even higher food prices
I’m unemployed

I’m dealing with a bad marriage
I’ve just lost my spouse to death

I feel so lonely
I’m rejected
I feel God doesn’t care about me

Joy and happiness are not the same.  Happiness seems to depend on our external circumstances. If our circumstances are pleasant, our needs are being met, and we have the approval of family and friends, we generally feel happy.

Joy, however, is a Spirit-fruit quality that sustains us when the storms of life are raging and bad stuff happens and painful memories are experienced and life is more of a challenge than joy.  Joy will fight for you and give you a spiritual perspective that will calm the struggling spirit and turn you 180 to see hope in the fire.


Trusting God’s provision of joy is key to experience calmness.  John 14:1-4, Jesus said, "Trust in God...." I believe that trust is earned. It takes time to trust someone. As we begin the get-to-know-the person-better, the relationship strengthens and trust evolves. I’ve talked to many people who have asked me, 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Our Influence Matters

Jesus modeled influence effectively. Although some of the “so-called” religious people felt his influence was being jeopardized when he spent time with the “less than” people. In Luke 5:27-32 there is a conversation with “religious” people and Jesus’ disciples about who Jesus was associating himself with. They asked, “Why do you eat and drink with such scum?” Jesus quick on his feet shot back, “healthy people don’t need a doctor, sick people do.”

Christians have an opportunity to demonstrate values that will influence our communities for the greater good. In reading many surveys, without exemption, the overwhelming view of non-churched people felt that Christians are judgmental, hypocritical, old fashioned, and way too involved in church politics. I’m sure some can and will argue the perceptions non-churched people have of those of us who call ourselves Christians. Is it fair, maybe not, but could there be some truth to how they perceive us? Absolutely!

It is amazing to me that Christians can work together at their jobs. Attend little league to watch their children play baseball. Cheer in the stands together for the local high school football team. Eat together in restaurants and have cookouts with their neighbors in their backyards. But come Sunday morning, it becomes the most segregated time of the week. There are some streets in communities that have at least two of the same type of church because one thinks they are more right than the other. Or, we have churches splitting over silliness, so they start another church across town. What does this kind of behavior convey to the non-churched person? How are we as Christians able to influence our communities for the greater good if we cannot get along ourselves?

Our communities need Jesus followers who are committed to living a consistent spiritual life. Our communities need Christians who are bent on demonstrating behaviors that are godly, holy, and right. Our communities need to see consistency among Christians. They must see love demonstrated toward each other regardless of their philosophies about salvation. Our communities need to see unity between each Christian and not an “I’m the only one right” Christian mentality.

The best way to influence others is by living like Jesus. When we influence Jesus’ way we will…

Be positive – Philippians 2:14, Do everything without arguing or complaining.
Be a builder – Ephesians 4:29, Build up others according to their needs.
Be kind – Galatians 5:22, Kindness is a bi-product of a Spirit controlled life.
Be friendly – 1 Peter 4:9, Offer up hospitality.
Be lovers – 1 Peter 1:22, Love deeply from the heart.

No theology or doctrine matters if our positive influence isn’t there to back it up!

Remember, Be God Controlled!


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

God is More Than A Rainbow Maker

It was the last day of the year in 1978.  I was twelve.  And, it was my mother’s birthday.  It was a rainy day.  The darkness shown its face as we were traveling to a place to baptize my brother, Keith.  I was sitting in the back of the station wagon that had a seat facing the cars behind us.  We had lots of fun in the back of that ole station wagon.  But that night, I wasn’t laughing or making faces at the cars behind me.  I was praying.  Yes, praying.  The thunder was loud that night and the lightning was scary.


I wanted to be baptized, too!  I remember my prayer forty-four years later.  I said, “Dear God (that’s how I thought I need to address God because everyone else did) please get us to the church safely so that I can be baptized, too!”  God did and I did! 


I was told after I was baptized that all of heaven is rejoicing.  Truthfully, I couldn’t comprehend “all of heaven rejoicing” as a twelve year old, but I could feel the peace of God deep within me.  I felt a presence unlike I had ever felt in my short life.  I was no longer afraid of the lightning or thunder.  I knew that a power had entered into my body, but I couldn’t explain it.  I still feel that power forty-four years later.  The power is God’s Spirit.  The creator of the universe lives in me…ME!  Oh, that makes me feel so good; yet, I feel nervous.  I don’t want to make him feel unloved or unwelcomed. 


The Apostle John said, “God so LOVE the WORLD….” John 3:16.  At our worst, God is at his best!  Think about it!  God loved the world before he gave us his Son!  That means, he loved the thugs, murders, kidnappers, gossipers, liars, cheats, bigots and the list is endless so much more than we can ever imagine.  So, when I surrendered my life to King Jesus, that love God already had for me is demonstrated by giving me more.  Not only Jesus, but his Spirit, too!  Peter said to the mournful crowd, “Turn to God and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38. 


Ahhh, God is masterful at gift giving.  He is more than the creator of the universe and he is more than the rainbow maker and sea divider and lion tamer, he is dad.  He protects.  Provides. Loves.  He shows up at every event.  He cheers.  He cries.  He’s a proud papa. 


For forty-four years, I have experienced a heavenly dad who doesn’t quit on me when I am bad.  Actually, he doesn’t call me bad he calls me his son!  He will call you his son…his daughter.  He won’t bad mouth you when you cuss or drink too much or lie or cheat, but he will show you how to turn away from sin.  He won’t move out and tell you he will never come back.  But, he will say to you, I, The Lord your God will have mercy—[I] He won't destroy you or desert you.” Deuteronomy 4:31


I’m so thankful my heavenly dad goes with me everywhere and I can count on him every day for a lifetime.  I, we are blessed!


Remember, Be God Controlled!



Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I Want to Find God, Where do I Find Him?

There was a young boy who had asked an old man, “I want to find God, where do I find him?” The old man took the young boy to the nearby lake. They stood in the shallow end of the lake and the old man said to the boy, “Stick your face into the water.” The young boy sticks his face in the water. The old man ever so gently presses the boy’s head further into the water. After several seconds, the young boy struggles and starts moving his head back and forth because he wants out of the water. The old man finally releases and pulls the boys head up and asked the boy, “What did you desire when you were under the water?” The boy replied, “Air, I wanted air!” The old man said, “As soon as you desire God as much as you desire air, you will find God.”
God doesn’t play Hide N Seek where it’s too difficult to find him. God isn’t too far away where he is unreachable. God doesn’t disguise himself in camouflage where he can’t be seen. God is in plain sight. He makes himself visible and noticeable. God wants you, me, and us to find him. He is not interested in living as a hermit all shut up in his throne room; rather, he wants conversations with us. He wants to go on vacation with us and sit around the campfire and go for a hike and ride with us through the countryside admiring the beauty of the autumn leaves. God desires us.
Countless people are searching for God. Their lives are turned upside down. Their life is a dead-end road. Hopeless. Fearful. Futureless. Lonely. Dark. 
“Where can I find God?” they ask. Moses said, “But even there, if you seek GOD, your God, you’ll be able to find him if you’re serious, looking for him with your whole heart and soul.” Deuteronomy 29:4 The simplicity in finding God comes from the pure heart. Jesus said, “God blesses those people whose hearts are pure. They will see him!” Matthew 5:8 
God is in love with us. He wants to be found. He wants to be loved. He wants us to search for him with pure motives. He doesn’t want to be used and abused. He doesn’t want a lackluster relationship. He doesn’t want a halfhearted worship. He wants us…all of us! The Proverb says, “I love everyone who loves me, and I will be found by all who honestly search.” Proverb 8:17
I found God early in my life. Not because my parents were “church goers” but because I desired to find him. I needed him. I wasn’t always the best at keeping my promises to him or faithful in prayer or bible reading or sharing my faith…I’m still not. However, I know where God is. He is deep in my heart. He is in my actions. He in my car, house and when I am sitting at the campfire. He is walking with me and sitting at the dinner table next to me. He is the sun, moon, galaxies and mountains. He is the wind, rain and snow. God is the face of every child, the touch of comfort and the hope in a crisis. God is the generous woman, the helping hand of a young boy and the tenderness of a thoughtful girl. God is in front of you; all you have to do is desire to find him. 
Remember, Be God Controlled!


Thursday, October 13, 2022

Can You Tell Me About Jesus? I Want to Go to Heaven

She walked into the room where I was teaching. I immediately noticed her frail frame and her feeble walk as she held on to her cane. She reached her left hand out to grab hold of the church pew as she shuffled her feet towards the place she would eventually sit. She was exhausted. Out of breath. She sips on her water. She takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. She reaches for the pew bible and then looks up at me with her tired eyes.

“We are talking about the parable of the lost son in Luke 15” I said. She fumbles her way through the pages of the pew bible until she finds Luke 15. I continued to teach the class until the frail framed woman raises her hand. 
She clears her throat and says, “My name is Connie.” I said, “It is nice to meet you Connie.” She continues. “I have never been much on going to church. It has been years since I’ve been to church. I am thirty-five and have one son named Cody. My husband left me a few years ago. As you can tell by the way I walked into your class, I am sick. I have cancer. The doctors say that I might have two months to live. I don’t want to die. I want to see my son grow up. But, the doctors say there is nothing they can do other than make me comfortable. Can you tell me about Jesus? I want to go to heaven.”
Holding back my tears I said, “Yes Connie, I will tell you about Jesus!” So, I did. I was teaching the perfect parable for the perfect person to hear it. God’s timing is incredible and a life was changed that day.
Connie lived four months from the time she walked into my class. Her life was changed. She no longer lived in fear. She lived in hope. She experienced peace. She was sad to leave her son, but couldn’t wait to live cancer-free forever. 
Connie lived her last four months sharing her story…Jesus’ story! Connie’s parents, Bob and Ann surrendered their life to Jesus, too! Many of Connie’s family and friends began to change and live their life differently…better…Jesus focused. 
Jesus wants you to come to him just as you are! It’s doesn’t matter if you’re broken, sickly or have lots of money and healthy. He wants you. He loves you. He doesn’t care if your life is filled with anger, bitterness or hate. Jesus wants you. It doesn’t matter if you have addictions to alcohol, pornography, gambling or drugs, he will open his arms to you and help set your life free. Jesus wants you. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t prayed, read the bible or attended church, he will open his house to you for you to experience a wholesome life. Jesus wants you just as you are. 
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30
Remember, Be God Controlled!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

I’m Glad You’re Home!

Finally. After decades of harsh words, rejection and loneliness, he is free. Free from hurt and pain. No more hearing “you won’t amount to anything” or “I hate you” or “you’re fat” or “I don’t love you” or “you’re full of crap” or “you make me sick” or “I’m going to leave you” and countless other defamatory words that are too explicit to write. 
He used to walk with slumped shoulders, but now he walks upright and proud. His self-esteem was shot, but now he sees his self worth and knows God’s plans and purposes for his life. He desperately wanted to be loved, but now feels love all around. He once coward to the bullish people in his life, but now he is able to stand on his own two feet. He is confident, but humble. He is scarred, but not broken. He uses his scars to remind himself that no matter how deep the wounds, they will eventually heal. 
He learned that there are kind-hearted and grace-filled people. He learned that not all people hate and that most people will love you for you and that God was always at his side. He learned that he wasn’t inferior to anyone and that he actually has abilities that other people like. He learned that he could become anything he set his mind to become and that he is loved so very much. 
One day, he walked into the door of his house and his wife walked up to him and gave him a big hug and whispered in his ear, “I’m glad you’re home!” It was then that he felt more loved than ever before. He finally believed that he was wanted. He was welcomed home by the only one that mattered to him mostly. After the “I’m glad you’re home,” his wife gave him a soft kiss on his lips and together they were home. He was home! Loved. Valued. Welcomed.
Many can relate to the true-life story of the man I wrote about. Countless men and women are abused mentally, physically and emotionally every day. They long to be loved, held and valued. They desire to be met at the door and hear “I’m glad you’re home!” Millions are broken and wounded and heartbroken. Their scars have not healed and they walk defeated and hopeless. 
The Psalmist said, “He [God] heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds.” Psalm 147:3. God is always on the scene doing what he does best…loving people and healing their wounds. So, if you have a wife or husband, meet him or her at the door and say, “I’m glad you’re home.” If you have children at home, go into their bedroom and say, “I’m glad you’re mine!” Part of God’s healing process is using us to be love and tenderness and kindness and gentleness and hope to every person he puts in our life or path.
Remember, Be God Controlled!


Thursday, September 29, 2022

God Loves Us More Than He Hates Our Sins

God is the perfect Father! He Cares. He is Patient. He is Forgiving. He is Gentle. He is Gracious. He is Merciful. He is snail slow to anger, but lightning speed to love.

God loves us for who we are, not for what we do. His grace isn’t conditioned on our perfection, but rather on his love for us. God wants our best all the time. He desires our faithfulness. He expects our honesty, godly character and spiritual morality. 
In our pursuit of living a godly life, we fail a lot. God never calls us to live perfectly, but he does call us to live righteously. We cannot make excuses as to why we can’t live godly; nor should we ever sugarcoat the importance of righteous living. 
The good news for imperfect people is that God is perfect. So, how can the perfect God be willing to have anything to do with imperfect people? Simple…he loves us more than he dislikes our imperfection. When John said, God so loved the world that he gave us his son….” he wanted us to know that God’s love is big, really big! 
God’s love is so big it became sacrificial. The Apostle Paul said, “But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful.” Romans 5:8
If you ever doubt God’s love, stop and re-read John 3:16 that says, “God so loved the world that he gave US His Son…” God’s love for us was not only giving his Son, but also eternal life through His Son. Jesus became the bridge builder for us to be saved. 
God’s love is so big that he forgives us. I John 1:9 says, “But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.”
Forgiveness is not always our way, but it is always God’s way. The Prophet Isaiah said, “But I wipe away your sins because of who I am. And so, I will forget the wrongs you have done.” Isaiah 43:25 God never holds a grudge or brings up our past after we have asked for forgiveness. 
Does God want your best? Yes! Does God love us more than he hates our sins? Yes! So, will you give God your best? Will you love God more than you love anyone or anything else? 
Remember, Be God Controlled!

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Blessings and Difficulties of Being a Minister

Sharing Jesus’ story and helping others focus on living in truth and guiding a church to be spiritually connected with God and encouraging men and women who have committed to living the Jesus life not to slack up and loving the critics, the unfaithful, the troublemakers and the lackluster Christian is a tremendous task for a minister to take on day in and day out. 


I know for a fact that God created me to be a minister.  I knew and felt the calling when I was 9 or 10.  What I didn’t know is the burden that calling of being a minister would have on me mentally, emotionally and physically. 


I love being a minister.  I enjoy preaching and teaching.  I am thrilled when one surrenders their life to Jesus.  I am overjoyed when the church is thriving and connected to the community.  I am excited when babies are dedicated to God and children’s classrooms are filled with noisy kids and when those same kids are running around the church house laughing and playing. 


However, there is a deep burden within me to ensure the church is always spiritually healthy.  I struggle internally when the church community doesn’t seem to care about their own spirituality, much less, their neighbors, co-workers or family members.  I know that I can’t make someone take ownership of his or her spiritual walk with Christ; but it troubles my heart. 


My life isn’t perfect.  I am flawed.  Lack consistency.  Disappoint God and others.  Negative.  Slow to forgiving, but quick to judge and anger at times.  And, my internal struggle shuts the door to self-control and opens the door to overeating and anxiousness. 


Ephesians 4:11-12 speaks loudly to me, Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.”  The calling to teach and evangelize (disciple) and to spiritually lead is huge.  They are not meaningless task, but rather, the spiritual fire starter and the fan to flame the longevity of ones spiritual relationship that he or she committed to living out daily.  Being a catalyst isn’t a Sunday morning job; rather, it is daily. 


Leading people spiritually who work 10 to 12 hours a day who have family responsibilities that include sports, dance recitals, band or choir concerts, and drama plays and a host of other obligations is difficult.  Helping people balance and navigate the spiritual disciplines that will enable them to be spiritually strong is challenging, but rewarding.


I take the calling God gave me seriously.  While I am burdened, I am also grateful that God chose me to be an ambassador for Christ.  I love preaching and teaching and spiritually leading other.  I love experiencing the blessings, for they outweigh any negativity by far. 


Remember, Be God Controlled!



Wednesday, September 21, 2022

I’m in Room 108, Can You Help Me

Hello, Brian speaking:  His voice was calm, but a little shaken.  “Hi, my name is Terry.  I have just gotten out of the hospital and am trying to get back to L.A.”  He continues, “I am a Christian and have turned my life around.  You see, I went to Baltimore to try to make amends with my family, but it didn’t work out.”  His voice softens and more timid, but he continues, “I have HIV, full blown aids.  I have about five months to live.  I turned my life over to God about six months ago and have never felt freer in all my life.  I have learned about the grace and mercy of God from my new spiritual family.  I thought that if I went to Baltimore, I would get the same treatment from them.  It wasn’t the same.  My dad walked out of the room and never said another word to me.  I left the house and caught a ride with a person who was traveling to your town.”  He paused and let out a sigh.  “I’m in room 108, can you help me?  A friend of mine in L.A. is sending me a bus ticket by mail and it will arrive tomorrow.  I need a place to stay for another night and some food to eat.  Can you help me?” 

My first thought was about my brother, Keith.  He died several years ago with full-blown aids.  Terry’s voice was heart wrenching to my soul.  His story brought back memories of my own brother.  The way Terry’s father and my own father treated each son, was drastically different.  Terry will die alone.  No mom or dad at his bedside.  No brothers or sisters praying.  No family member to hold his hand or to sit with him in his last days.


I thought how our Heavenly Father responded to Terry when he surrendered his life to him.  With compassion?  YES!  With mercy?  YES!  With grace?  Yes!   Yes, yes, yes!  So, I decided to do something.  I told Terry that I would meet him at the motel.  He said, “I am in room 108.”  When I arrived and opened his motel door, I found a man whose face was mangled hard living and HIV.  His body is frail.  His voice is weak.  His days are numbered.  I saw my brother all over again.  What do I do?  What can I do?  What would Jesus do?


I sat in a chair next to the door while Terry sat on the end of his bed.  He said, “I lived a rough life of drugs and sex. I hooked up with a man who never told me that he was HIV positive.  Now, I have it too.  Five months is all the doctor is giving me.  I gave my life to Christ and now I am preparing to die…alone.  Can you help me?”


What would Jesus do?  Jesus said in Matthew 25 “that when we give food, water, or clothing to the least…you have also done it unto me.”  I thought, “food, water, and clothing is the easy part, but what about being alone, who is going to be there for him?”  King David said in Psalm 23 that God leads us.  Restores us.  Guides us.  Walks with us.  Comforts us. Prepares for us.   Anoints us.  And, dwells with us. 


Terry will never be alone.  God is right there with him through life, death, and life again.  I left the motel room knowing that God is truly leading the way for Terry just like he does for all of us!


Remember, Be God Controlled!



Wednesday, September 14, 2022

God Turns Loneliness into Companionship

 There are people in life that captures our heart.  Their presence is an incredible blessing and it penetrates deep into the core of our soul.  There is no other feeling as powerful than the one who makes our heart feel sensational, calm and joyful. 


God never does anything halfheartedly, nor does he make mistakes in placing that one person in our lives who makes all the difference in the world.   God knows exactly what we need even before we know it.  He knows how to make the best connections, the best conversationalists, the best spiritual partners, the best listeners, the best friends and the best caregivers.   Never question God’s timing because he doesn’t view time as we do.  Never underestimate God’s ability to maneuverer his way through our lives in order to unite the very person who needs to be there! Never doubt God’s decisions, for they are the perfect ones. 


God has his radar on each of us.  He feels our pain.  He hears our cry.  He sees our brokenness.  He cares.  He holds.  He helps.  He leads.  He gives.  There is not a second of a day that God turns himself off to us.  There is never a moment when God says he is too busy.  God is always connected to us. 


There are a countless people who fight loneliness every day.  There are individuals who go through life never believing that God is on the scene providing exactly what is needed.  Many reject the people God places at their door due to fear or outright disbelief or the person at the door isn’t the right one or others convince them that there is someone better; you need more time.  God holds the time card of our lives, no one else. 


When we become vulnerable before God and surrender our imperfections, our lack of faith, our opinions, our judgmental attitudes and our rejections of the person God sends to us, it is in that moment we will experience calmness and be able to rest our minds that there is someone who will walk life with us. 


God is in the business of shielding us.  Psalm 3:3-4, 8 But you, God, shield me on all sides;
you ground my feet, you lift my head high; with all my might I shout up to God, His answers thunder from the holy mountain.
 Real help comes from God. Your blessing clothes your people!”  If you really want to feel safe, then trust God.  If you really want that one person in your life that makes a difference, then accept whom God places at your door.  If you want to experience a life with someone, then be open to God’s timing.


Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want anyone to be alone or feel rejected.  The Scriptures declare that God “…will never leave us....” God is always in the middle of whatever is going on with us.  He is our forever Father and friend.  Trust God.  Be happy for those whom God gifts with that special someone in order to make their lives better.  Never take matters into your own hands.  Never fight with God because of the choices he made for you or someone else, you will lose every time. 


God is forever in love with you.  Trust. 


Remember, Be God Controlled!



Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Brian's Sermons




Our Hope is in the Eternal Life

Holding on to Integrity 

The Boneyard

Love Matters 

The Future is Full of Hope

Jesus Sacrificed 

God's Abilities

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Temptation Are Not From God

 Have you heard the expression:  “God won’t give you more than you can bear?”  The truth is, God won’t, but it does not have anything to do with trials or hardships or loss of job or sickness or bad relationships. 


The misquoted expression comes from 1st Corinthians 10:13 which says, No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”


The truth is; God will not allow us to be so overwhelmed by any temptation that we will ultimately destroy our relationship with him due to no alleyway to escape temptation’s grip.


Temptation is real and we must never think we have it conquered it.  The Apostle Paul made it crystal clear that arrogance about “spiritually arrived” is dangerous when he said, If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall.” 1st Corinthians 10:12.   Satan is always looking for the backdoor entrance into our soul.  He scouts out our weaknesses and works overtime to infiltrate the vulnerabilities that are exposed.  Jesus said, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy….” John 10:10  And, the Apostle Peter warned us to “Be self-controlled and alert, your enemy the devil prowls around like an roaring lion looking for someone to devour….”1st Peter 5:8


God doesn’t leave us stranded on “temptation island” to fend for ourselves while Satan is attacking us from every angle. God provides the most powerful arsenal to intercept the attacks.  God equips us with his Spirit to squelch any “gratifying desire that is sinful.” Galatians 5:16 and the Sprit will instill “self-control” over desires that has the potential to lead us to sin.


There are three important factors to know when dealing with temptation: 


#1.  Temptations do not come from God; rather, they come from Satan – “When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’  For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone….”  James 1:13


#2.  God gives us his Spirit as a gift to lead us spiritually   “…You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38


#3.  If you stifle the Spirit, it loses its power to be effective in protecting us from Satan’s attacks – Do not stifle the Holy Spirit.” 1st Thessalonians 5:19



Remember, Be God Controlled!



Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Experiencing God’s Heaven

 Looking over a mountain ridge and seeing the incredible, creative and masterful architectural landscape God so perfectly laid out for us, is a reminder that God can be experienced anywhere.

God can be experienced in the stillness of a night or through the beauty of the night skies as billions of galaxies are brightly shining or through the sounds of voices or musical instruments or through the touch of a loving hand or the first glimpse of the newborn baby that is held for the first time. 
God sees us. Hears us. Understands us. Desires us. Loves us. 
When we pray for God’s intervention, we experience a Father who responds to us with the best solutions and answers to our requests. King David said about God, “I patiently waited, LORD, for you to hear my prayer. You listened and pulled me from a lonely pit full of mud and mire. You let me stand on a rock with my feet firm….” Psalm 40:1-2
When addictive behaviors are no longer our desire and we want something better, God perfectly set into motion a way for a better life to be experienced. “…While we were still sinners Christ sacrificed his life for us.” Romans 5:8 
All the materialistic things in life will never give us the eternal experience that God’s heaven will give us. God’s heaven is our eternal home. Jesus said, “There are many rooms in my Father's house. I wouldn't tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you. After I have done this, I will come back and take you with me. Then we will be together.”  John 14:2-3 
And, in God’s heaven, we will experience a life free from the world’s burdens. John said, “He [God] will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4
God’s love runs deep and his desire is for us to experience a life with him. You can experience a better life and an eternal life with him when you choose to live a life that is God controlled!
Remember, Be God Controlled!

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Love Matters

Love is a powerful word! Actually, it is the most powerful of all words. Love must never be jerked around as if it has no value or emotion or substance to it. Rather, love must be respected and taken seriously whenever it is felt or said.

Without love, there would be an emptiness in every relationship and a void that could never be filled by anything else. 
Love matters! It matters because it guides us in our disagreements, hurts, pain and relational troubles. Love matters because it helps us look at every angle of a situation in which we struggle to compromise. Love matters because it opens the door to conversations with people who are hurtful, mean and bullies. Love matters because it is constant, unwavering and never compromises its effectiveness for any other alternative. Love matters because it breaks down barriers, brings people to the table for conversations and stops hate in its tracks. 
Love is not a hoarder of past mistakes; rather, its shreds them and moves on. Love doesn't get all excited when someone fails; but rather, finds solutions to help pick the person up. Love does not bad mouth anyone; rather, it encourages everyone and demonstrates kindness, tenderness and goodness. 
We know how to love because God loved us first - 1st John 4:19. God showcased amazing love through demonstrations (Romans 5:8) and by gifting us with his one and only Son (John 3:16). We can learn a lot by the way God loved. He never stops loving us even when we are horribly difficult to deal with. 
Love will never allow anyone to hate, disrespect or demean anyone at anytime no matter what. When we love people more than anything else, we will live in a world of peace! Love Matters!
Remember, Be God Controlled!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

How to STOP Anxiety in its Tracks


Matthew 5 records that Jesus nestled himself on the side of a mountain and began to teach the large crowd who had diseases, pain, demon-possession, seizures, and those who were paralyzed.

In Matthew 6:25-34 Jesus is giving spiritual guidance to the thousands with the problem of a worried and stressed out life. 
Anxiousness is gripping and it keeps us in a whirlwind of uncertainty. The Greek word translated as "anxious" is "to be pulled in different directions." Our fearfulness pulls us in one direction and our hope pulls us in the other direction; thus, we are pulled apart!
Jesus lays out a stress reducer that will free anyone from the grip of anxiousness in Matthew 6:25-34
1. Don't fuss over food and clothes (Matthew 6:25) - While food, clothing, and water are important, the real substance in life is feasting upon the Word's of God. Matthew 4:1-11, "...not live by bread alone, but on every Word...." Life was not meant to primarily please ourselves, but rather, to bring glory and honor to God – Matthew 5:16.
2. Don’t forget who provides for you (Matthew 6:26) - If you ever watch birds, you will notice that they are not lazy. They are digging for worms and bugs and building nests out of scraps of tree leaves or other materials. Birds do not hoard a load of worms in their nest, nor are they concern if there will be any food tomorrow. They live as hard working creatures with no worries about the next meal.
Philippians 4:19 sums is up well, "You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus."
3. Don’t fight what you cannot change (Matthew 6:27) - Worry sabotages our joy, zaps our energy, and displaces our courage.  Proverbs 12:25, "A worried heart weighs a man down...." and Jesus give the ultimate remedy to a stressed out life when he said, “Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30
Trusting Jesus will loosen the grip of anxiety and open the door to calmness and peace. 
Remember, Be God Controlled!

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Jesus Got a Pair of Pants Today

Today, we were approached by a man who was a bit desperate at about 1:30 p.m. 
He said, “sir, can you spare $10?” I said, “I don’t have any cash on me.” He said, “I have an interview at IHOP at 2 p.m and I need a pair of pants.” He continued, “If you can purchase the pants for me, I will give you the few dollars that I have!” 
I said, “we will get you the pants, but we don’t want your money.” 
We go into the store, he picks out his pants and we get in line to pay for it. 
A lady in front of us in the checkout line overheard our conversation and very kindly said, “You go in front of me.” We said, “thank you” and moved ahead of her! 
As we continued to talk while waiting for our turn to checkout, the man look straight in my eyes and said, “you believe in Jesus don’t you?” With a big smile I declared, “Yes I do!”
I paid for the pants and the man gave me a handshake, along with a BIG thank you and rushed out the door. 
I am praying he gets the job at IHOP and thankful that I was not only able to give the needy man a pair of pants, but I was able to give a pair to Jesus, too!
Jesus said, “…When did we give you something to eat or drink? When did we welcome you as a stranger or give you clothes to wear or visit you while you were sick or in jail?” The king will answer, “Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.”
Matthew 25:37-40 
Remember, Be God Controlled!


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

When it is Hard to Trust God

The heart is heavy with disappointments, bad news and broken by the strains of life. I want the weight of the pain to be lifted so I can breathe and feel a bit of relief. 

I want my faith in God to sustain me in the most trying moments, but it teeters on the brink of collapse. I hold on to a song. A friend's word. A hug. A hope. A photo. A promise that everything will be okay.
I do my best to keep focused on God's promise that he will never forsake me or that I can come to him for rest, but there are times that the promise seems fuzzy to God's memory or that his lap isn't available for me to climb on and rest.
Life storms are terrifying. They take a toll and it raises the anxiety level and getting out of bed is a chore and trusting God becomes harder as the storm rages on and on and on. 
I want to believe that everything will be fine, I really do. I want to know that a healing is possible for me. I want to trust that God will keep his promises. I want fear to leave me, along with doubt and hopelessness.
When I ask, "where do I find help?" I really mean, God, I need you. Like the Psalmist of 121, I will open my eyes and declare that my help comes from the Lord! I know that the Lord will help me even when my faith is shattered by doubt and when fear has taken control and when I don't trust him very much. 
I know that God is my protector. He will not doze off when I am talking him; nor will he dim the lights when I am walking through the most difficult storms of life. God will shine his light brightly to light the path and he will cover me with his hand to reassure me that I do not have to fear the storm. 
No matter when God answers or when God calms the storm, I will keep looking to the Lord. He is my hope and reassurance that everything will be okay.
Remember, Be God Controlled!

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Will God Always Heal Us?

Praying for a healing miracle can be a challenging task for one's faith. I have prayed countless times for someone to get well, but it seemed as if the prayer went unanswered! There were times that I chose not to pray because I thought it would not do any good! 
I have often thought that God was too busy or didn't care or was more concerned about the "more important" people. 
The spiritual mature me knows that God cares. He listens. And, no one is more important than anyone else. God has the ability to be engaged with everyone at anytime no matter what need is being requested.
God's timing is solely at his discretion. God does not cater to the elitists, the loud mouths or the "holier-than-thou" people first. God is fair!
My stepmom has been praying for a healing ever since she found out there was a tumor on her brain. She was faithful to talking to God out loud. She prayed Scriptures. She was honest with God about her feelings. She was prayer-focused and saturated her mind with the Scriptures that gave her comfort and reassurance that God was on the scene doing big things in her life. She wanted and healing. A healing she got!! The tumor has been resolved according to the doctor. The doctor had no explanation as to why it is gone, but I can emphatically declare that God resolved it! 
God does not always directly remove the tumor; nor does he fix the heart valve or liver disease, but he does provide solutions and resources that aid us in getting better. And, sometimes, he does not mend our hearts or cancers or diabetes on this side of life, but he does a complete eternal healing on the eternal side of life. 
Don't allow yourself to feel down and out; rather, trust God. Jesus said, "Come to him and he will give us rest. King David said, "The Lord is my shepherd, there is no one I want more than him...."
No matter what you are facing in your life, God is bigger, stronger and he has all the answers to take care of you! Trust!
Remember, Be God Controlled!


Monday, July 11, 2022

Why I Follow Jesus

 Being a follower of Jesus is not the easiest, nor hardest way to live life; but, it is the most rewarding!

Being a follower of Jesus isn't for the complacent or the not-so-sure or the "ride the fence" person or the uncommitted; rather, it's for the one who is willing to sacrifice their own desires for the desires of Jesus.
We can't engage is worldly living and still be a Jesus follower. Either we are fully in or not at all. I get what I am saying doesn't sound like a 2022 type of thinking. But, that has been the problem, we have sugarcoated commitment so much that we have lost the reality of living out the Jesus life full time.
So, why do I follow Jesus...
I follow Jesus because I believe that he is truth. I believe that he is the Son of God. I follow Jesus because he is salvation and hope. I follow Jesus because his cross experience has forgiven me of my sins and because he showcases love for everyone and through him, I have eternal life. 
I follow Jesus because he is tender, grace, mercy and peace. He is calmness, helpful and insightful. He is caring, gentle and kind. He is generous and patient. He listens. He guides. He provides. I follow Jesus because he loved me so much that he sacrificed himself so that I can experience a one-on-one relationship with God. 
So, why do you follow Jesus?
Remember, Be God Controlled!

Friday, July 8, 2022

How to Raise Children to Live Out the Jesus Life


Raising children is not easy. It is hard work. 24 hours a day work. We want the best for our kids. Parents want their children to be happy and to be involved in sports, theater, school bands, social clubs, debate teams, or whatever they set their mind to do. Our children also need our support and guidance on how to live out the Jesus life. The following are key principles for helping our children to live the best spiritual life possible. 
Character Building: Abraham Lincoln said, “Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree.” As one of my Drill Sergeants once said while allowing us an on-post pass for a few hours during basic training, “Right character is doing the right thing when no one is watching.” Our character defines us in every circumstance of life. Teaching godly character in our children will help them to always tell the truth, do the right thing with others are not looking and never compromise truth to be accepted by others. 
Relationship Building: I Peter 3:8 "You should be like one big happy family ... loving on another with tender hearts..." Relationships that have a deep commitment attached to it will grow stronger and last longer both with people and Jesus. Jesus showcased relationship building by seeing past the “dislikes” of what others saw and accepted people no matter the flaws or past or struggles they were having in their lives. 
Jesus Building: Knowing Jesus is discovering how to live, speak, love, or show kindness. The best way to teach our children about Jesus is to share with them what Jesus said in Scripture, take them to children’s bible classes and camps and activities with the church group and model Jesus’ life so your children will see firsthand how to be the best spiritual person they can be. Modeling truth, kindness, love and grace will speak loudly to your children. Praying with your children will teach them how to talk to God and being generous with your time will teach your children that they matter. 
Remember, Be God Controlled!