Friday, July 8, 2022

How to Raise Children to Live Out the Jesus Life


Raising children is not easy. It is hard work. 24 hours a day work. We want the best for our kids. Parents want their children to be happy and to be involved in sports, theater, school bands, social clubs, debate teams, or whatever they set their mind to do. Our children also need our support and guidance on how to live out the Jesus life. The following are key principles for helping our children to live the best spiritual life possible. 
Character Building: Abraham Lincoln said, “Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree.” As one of my Drill Sergeants once said while allowing us an on-post pass for a few hours during basic training, “Right character is doing the right thing when no one is watching.” Our character defines us in every circumstance of life. Teaching godly character in our children will help them to always tell the truth, do the right thing with others are not looking and never compromise truth to be accepted by others. 
Relationship Building: I Peter 3:8 "You should be like one big happy family ... loving on another with tender hearts..." Relationships that have a deep commitment attached to it will grow stronger and last longer both with people and Jesus. Jesus showcased relationship building by seeing past the “dislikes” of what others saw and accepted people no matter the flaws or past or struggles they were having in their lives. 
Jesus Building: Knowing Jesus is discovering how to live, speak, love, or show kindness. The best way to teach our children about Jesus is to share with them what Jesus said in Scripture, take them to children’s bible classes and camps and activities with the church group and model Jesus’ life so your children will see firsthand how to be the best spiritual person they can be. Modeling truth, kindness, love and grace will speak loudly to your children. Praying with your children will teach them how to talk to God and being generous with your time will teach your children that they matter. 
Remember, Be God Controlled!

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