Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Will God Always Heal Us?

Praying for a healing miracle can be a challenging task for one's faith. I have prayed countless times for someone to get well, but it seemed as if the prayer went unanswered! There were times that I chose not to pray because I thought it would not do any good! 
I have often thought that God was too busy or didn't care or was more concerned about the "more important" people. 
The spiritual mature me knows that God cares. He listens. And, no one is more important than anyone else. God has the ability to be engaged with everyone at anytime no matter what need is being requested.
God's timing is solely at his discretion. God does not cater to the elitists, the loud mouths or the "holier-than-thou" people first. God is fair!
My stepmom has been praying for a healing ever since she found out there was a tumor on her brain. She was faithful to talking to God out loud. She prayed Scriptures. She was honest with God about her feelings. She was prayer-focused and saturated her mind with the Scriptures that gave her comfort and reassurance that God was on the scene doing big things in her life. She wanted and healing. A healing she got!! The tumor has been resolved according to the doctor. The doctor had no explanation as to why it is gone, but I can emphatically declare that God resolved it! 
God does not always directly remove the tumor; nor does he fix the heart valve or liver disease, but he does provide solutions and resources that aid us in getting better. And, sometimes, he does not mend our hearts or cancers or diabetes on this side of life, but he does a complete eternal healing on the eternal side of life. 
Don't allow yourself to feel down and out; rather, trust God. Jesus said, "Come to him and he will give us rest. King David said, "The Lord is my shepherd, there is no one I want more than him...."
No matter what you are facing in your life, God is bigger, stronger and he has all the answers to take care of you! Trust!
Remember, Be God Controlled!


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