Wednesday, September 14, 2022

God Turns Loneliness into Companionship

 There are people in life that captures our heart.  Their presence is an incredible blessing and it penetrates deep into the core of our soul.  There is no other feeling as powerful than the one who makes our heart feel sensational, calm and joyful. 


God never does anything halfheartedly, nor does he make mistakes in placing that one person in our lives who makes all the difference in the world.   God knows exactly what we need even before we know it.  He knows how to make the best connections, the best conversationalists, the best spiritual partners, the best listeners, the best friends and the best caregivers.   Never question God’s timing because he doesn’t view time as we do.  Never underestimate God’s ability to maneuverer his way through our lives in order to unite the very person who needs to be there! Never doubt God’s decisions, for they are the perfect ones. 


God has his radar on each of us.  He feels our pain.  He hears our cry.  He sees our brokenness.  He cares.  He holds.  He helps.  He leads.  He gives.  There is not a second of a day that God turns himself off to us.  There is never a moment when God says he is too busy.  God is always connected to us. 


There are a countless people who fight loneliness every day.  There are individuals who go through life never believing that God is on the scene providing exactly what is needed.  Many reject the people God places at their door due to fear or outright disbelief or the person at the door isn’t the right one or others convince them that there is someone better; you need more time.  God holds the time card of our lives, no one else. 


When we become vulnerable before God and surrender our imperfections, our lack of faith, our opinions, our judgmental attitudes and our rejections of the person God sends to us, it is in that moment we will experience calmness and be able to rest our minds that there is someone who will walk life with us. 


God is in the business of shielding us.  Psalm 3:3-4, 8 But you, God, shield me on all sides;
you ground my feet, you lift my head high; with all my might I shout up to God, His answers thunder from the holy mountain.
 Real help comes from God. Your blessing clothes your people!”  If you really want to feel safe, then trust God.  If you really want that one person in your life that makes a difference, then accept whom God places at your door.  If you want to experience a life with someone, then be open to God’s timing.


Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want anyone to be alone or feel rejected.  The Scriptures declare that God “…will never leave us....” God is always in the middle of whatever is going on with us.  He is our forever Father and friend.  Trust God.  Be happy for those whom God gifts with that special someone in order to make their lives better.  Never take matters into your own hands.  Never fight with God because of the choices he made for you or someone else, you will lose every time. 


God is forever in love with you.  Trust. 


Remember, Be God Controlled!



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