Wednesday, September 21, 2022

I’m in Room 108, Can You Help Me

Hello, Brian speaking:  His voice was calm, but a little shaken.  “Hi, my name is Terry.  I have just gotten out of the hospital and am trying to get back to L.A.”  He continues, “I am a Christian and have turned my life around.  You see, I went to Baltimore to try to make amends with my family, but it didn’t work out.”  His voice softens and more timid, but he continues, “I have HIV, full blown aids.  I have about five months to live.  I turned my life over to God about six months ago and have never felt freer in all my life.  I have learned about the grace and mercy of God from my new spiritual family.  I thought that if I went to Baltimore, I would get the same treatment from them.  It wasn’t the same.  My dad walked out of the room and never said another word to me.  I left the house and caught a ride with a person who was traveling to your town.”  He paused and let out a sigh.  “I’m in room 108, can you help me?  A friend of mine in L.A. is sending me a bus ticket by mail and it will arrive tomorrow.  I need a place to stay for another night and some food to eat.  Can you help me?” 

My first thought was about my brother, Keith.  He died several years ago with full-blown aids.  Terry’s voice was heart wrenching to my soul.  His story brought back memories of my own brother.  The way Terry’s father and my own father treated each son, was drastically different.  Terry will die alone.  No mom or dad at his bedside.  No brothers or sisters praying.  No family member to hold his hand or to sit with him in his last days.


I thought how our Heavenly Father responded to Terry when he surrendered his life to him.  With compassion?  YES!  With mercy?  YES!  With grace?  Yes!   Yes, yes, yes!  So, I decided to do something.  I told Terry that I would meet him at the motel.  He said, “I am in room 108.”  When I arrived and opened his motel door, I found a man whose face was mangled hard living and HIV.  His body is frail.  His voice is weak.  His days are numbered.  I saw my brother all over again.  What do I do?  What can I do?  What would Jesus do?


I sat in a chair next to the door while Terry sat on the end of his bed.  He said, “I lived a rough life of drugs and sex. I hooked up with a man who never told me that he was HIV positive.  Now, I have it too.  Five months is all the doctor is giving me.  I gave my life to Christ and now I am preparing to die…alone.  Can you help me?”


What would Jesus do?  Jesus said in Matthew 25 “that when we give food, water, or clothing to the least…you have also done it unto me.”  I thought, “food, water, and clothing is the easy part, but what about being alone, who is going to be there for him?”  King David said in Psalm 23 that God leads us.  Restores us.  Guides us.  Walks with us.  Comforts us. Prepares for us.   Anoints us.  And, dwells with us. 


Terry will never be alone.  God is right there with him through life, death, and life again.  I left the motel room knowing that God is truly leading the way for Terry just like he does for all of us!


Remember, Be God Controlled!



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