Thursday, March 3, 2011

15 Items or Less Lane

The sign clearly says, 15 items or less. Not, 16, 22 or 30! I get all worked up over the fact that people in the “speedy” checkout lane can’t count! Can they read? Just because you have 24 of the same item doesn’t count as 1!

Am I overboard? Almost every time I go to the “speedy” (and I use the word “speedy” very loosely) I count the number of items that the people have who are in front of me. If they are over, I pitch a hissy fit. I sigh…loudly. I make comments to my daughter, “can’t people count?” To which my daughter, Tessa will say, “dad, do you remember that sermon you preached about patients?” Then I will say, “You pick a fine time to quote me.” Then she will say, “See, I told you I listen to your sermons!” Then I will say, “it’s not about patience, it’s about respecting the rules.” Tessa’s comeback is: “Well, who made the rules?” I say to her, “WALmarttttttttttttttttttttttttt!” In my very irritated tone!

Respecting rules are important. Someone says, “Rules are made to be broken.” Really? At what cost? Throughout the Scriptures, there are numerous times in which God deals with those who break the “rules.”

- Moses – Numbers 20:1-13 (Struck the rock, instead of speaking to the rock)
- Ananias and Sappphira – Acts 5 (Not telling the truth about some property)
- Lot’s Wife – Genesis 19:12-26 (Looked to see Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed)

What’s the big deal anyway? So what that Moses struck the rock or Ananias told a little fib or Lots wife wanted to take a peek behind her. So what that the “speedy” checkout lane says 15 items or less?

I am as much about grace as anyone. I also understand that we are not under law and can never earn our salvation. It is fully God’s gift to all of us. However, Romans 6:1 clearly states that we can’t go around breaking God’s biblical truths and turn right around and say, “I’m covered by the grace of God!”

We must respect God’s Word as truth and live according to its teachings. The Apostle Paul states in Galatians 5:19-22 that there are consequences for totally disregarding God’s instructions for our life.

When we respect the Word of God, the way we conduct our lives will be godly and honorable. When we respect something as simple as the 15 items or less lane, not only will those around you be less irritable (including me!) it fully demonstrates that the indwelled Spirit of God is leading every aspect of your life.

Remember, Be God Controlled!


1 comment:

  1. Definatly a good point Brian, it also reminds us how God is extremely patient with each of us...
