Thursday, July 14, 2011

What Do You Do When You Fail?

Failing at something is a normal part of life. Babies do not learn to walk the first time they stand on their two little feet. A baby fails many times before she discovers the art of walking. Baseball player do not hit home runs or get on base every time they swing the bat. Archer’s do not hit the bulls-eye every time they let go of the bow. And, Christ- followers do not live perfect lives, nor do they resist the devil every time they are attacked.

God is not calling us to be perfect in anything that we do. However, He does call us to be faithful and resilient to being our best no matter what it is.

George Washington, the first president of the United States lost 2/3rd of the battles he fought in during the Revolutionary war. Despite the losing battles, his focus was not to give up and doom the young nation to failure. It was in the lost battles that Washington learned lessons and resolved not to repeat them in the next battle. Because of the resiliency of Washington and his fighters, they won the war.

During Babe Ruth’s career, he was considered one of baseball best players. Even to this day, Ruth is known as one of baseball’s best. His career lasted for 21 years. Ruth hit 714 home runs. However, Ruth didn’t get on base every time. Out of 10,617 plate appearances, Ruth struck out 1,330 times. It was not the failed plate appearances that made the headlines, but rather, the home runs.

Thomas Edison failed over 10,000 times. It is not the failures that are remembered about Edison, but rather, it is the light bulb that we use everyday. Edison went on to have over 1,000 inventions during his lifetime.

R.H. Macy failed 7 times before his store in New York caught on.

English Novelist John Creasey received 753 rejection slips before he published 564 books.

Do you get the point? I like the statement that was in the Wall Street Journal, “Worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.” It is not about failing that should ultimately be of concern, but rather, about how one reacts to failing.

Thomas of the bible is remembered as “doubting” Thomas, a man who failed to believe that Jesus was alive. While Thomas failed in believing that Jesus was alive, there is so much more about him than a momentary lack of faith. Upon seeing Jesus, he left his failed faith and became a spiritual leader that was willing to do what it takes to be a Christ-follower. John 11:16, "Then Thomas said to the rest of the disciples, let us go, that we may die with Him.”

Living the Christian life can be hard, demanding, and painful. Failing happens. Going against God’s best for us, happens. Sinning happens. However, those who will not get mired up in the spiritual failings and make the necessary changes will not live in failure, but rather in victory! Romans 6:22 says that we have been set free and that we have benefits that lead to holiness and eternal life.

Failings will happen. It is what you do after failing that will make all the difference in the world.

Remember, Be God Controlled!


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