Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fruit Producers

Life does not consist of working our way to heaven, but rather being invited in because of God’s grace.

We bear fruit in our lives because we love God. We do not perform “works” in our Christian lives because we are afraid that God will send us to hell. We do “works” in our Christian lives because we are grateful for the grace, mercy, and forgiveness he has “freely” given us!!!!

God will not keep the doors of heaven shut and prevent anyone from coming in if we do not keep a 40-hour spiritual workweek. Those who “love” God will always be a light. Forgive often. Tell the Jesus story! Be committed to discipleship. Love unconditionally. And, accepts people for who they are. Heavens doors are wide open for anyone who accepts the gifts God has freely given.

It is not our job to be the keeper of the gate and determine who will get heaven. However, fruit bearers who are madly in love with Jesus will share their testimony of what He has done in their lives.

In John 15:5, Jesus declared that successful people are those connected with him.  Without Jesus at the core of a person’s life, there isn’t the needed spiritual nutrient to help a person grow and be a fruit producer in his/her spiritual life.

Spiritual fruit producers do not get results based on their own efforts. Rather, a person will produce more of God's fruit when he/she stays connected to JESUS! When one remains in Christ and allows him to live within our hearts, then there will be a high volume of spiritual producing being put out each day. 

Our world is inundated with negatives every single day.  Money doesn’t stretch as far as it once did.  Crimes are increasing as the economy is tanking.  Layoffs are happening everyday.  More and more need assistance than ever before.  What is happening to the moral fabric of a once steady America?

Our communities need steady.  They need to see values.  They need to experience someone with a godly character.  They need to see hope.  They need to see a group of people who calls themselves Christians to model and produce godly values the way God intended. 

 Is it possible that when we become producers of good fruits that it can change peoples lives?  Yes!  Is it possible that when we model love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control that the Christian community will be seen as a place to be?  Absolutely YES!

In Galatians 5:22-23 the bible says that real fruit that is lasting, tasty and spiritual have no law to govern them because they are of God, not the world.  When the fruit of love takes over ones life, it transforms the person into a producer for God.  When the fruit of self-control is produced, it knows when to resist the devil so he will not poison the roots and destroy the self-control crop.

The only way one can produce fruit is to remain in Christ Jesus.  When we stop hanging out with Jesus and quit listening to what he has to say about life, the production of godly fruit will take a big hit and erosion will set in and the crops will be lost. 

However, those who remain in Jesus will be mass producers of the best fruits God has to offer!  Love.  Joy.  Peace.  Patience.  Kindness.  Goodness.  Faithfulness.  Gentleness. And, self-control!

Remember, Be God Controlled!


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