Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Really, Who is a Christian?

I have listened to a plethora of preachers, teachers, and commentators describe how one becomes a Christian.  It seems we have complicated the process.  Also, based on what “Christian group” one is affiliated with, arguments and debates have ensued over “the how” one becomes a Christian and “who is” a Christian.  The Christian community has created more division and caused more non-believers to be turned off by our bad behavior and our self-righteous attitudes that they want nothing to do with Christianity at all. 

Being a Christian simply means that one is a follower of Christ.   Being a Christian isn’t always easy.  It can be demanding.  And, it can cost a person his or her life.  However, the benefits of choosing to be a Christian far outweigh the negatives. 

Here are a couple of beneficial reasons to become a Christian:

Acts 2:38 says that we get the gift of the Spirit.  Imagine buying a brand new car.  You go to drive it off the lot, but it does not have a steering wheel.  Crazy, right?  You’ve got to have a steering wheel in order to maneuver the car where you need it to go.  The Spirit is much like the steering wheel.  John 16:13 says, When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.” (NLT)  The Spirit steered the Apostles to truth.  Without the Spirit, the Apostles would have had trouble getting to where they needed to go and teaching the people whom God would send them to teach.  For the Christian, the Spirit guides us out of trouble.  Galatians 5:16 says, So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.” (NLT) The benefit of being a Christians is the steering of the Spirit. 

Another benefit of being a Christian is being added to Christ church.  Colossians 1:18 says, “Christ is also the head of the church….” (NLT)  Notice it says, Christ is the head.  All churches must ensure that Jesus is the head, not anyone else.  Acts 2:41 says that about 3,000 people were added.  The reason they were added was because they accepted a message to turn their lives around.  They were willing to surrender their lives to Jesus by being baptized.  The baptism demonstrated their full submission and it made way for them to be added to Christ church. 

Baptism is important, but it one of many things that marks a Christian.  Another defining mark of a Christian is when one totally acknowledges that Jesus is Lord and is willing to surrendering their life to Jesus, by denying oneself of things that are not Christ-like and by living out the truths of Jesus’ message found in Matthew 5 where he calls all of us to be poor in spirit, mourn over sinfulness, demonstrate a meek lifestyle by submitting to God, hunger and thirst for right living, show mercy to everyone, keep our hearts pure, and be a peacemaker, not a rebel.

Becoming a Christian isn’t hard to do, but it is a hard decision to make; especially when so many of us are teaching different ways on how one actually becomes one.  The most essential way to ensure one becomes a Christian the right way is to study what the bible teaches.  Compare what everyone else is saying with the Scripture, not with what every denomination teaches to be right or wrong.  In the end, it is each of our responsibility to come to our own conclusion. 

The bible does teach that baptism is essential.  The bible also teaches that living a godly lifestyle is important, too.  Just because someone is baptized doesn’t mean they are going to live the lifestyle of a Christian.  One becomes a Christian because they desire to go to heaven, serve God, be a witness for Jesus, and live a spiritual lifestyle.  Being baptized does not make one any one more of a Christian; rather it is an outward act that demonstrates our commitment to living the values of Scripture and allowing the Spirit to lead us. 

What makes a committed Christians isn’t what our church doctrines say, but what Scripture says. It is also living for Jesus and following him only.  Not what is on our church marquees, but Jesus.  Jesus only.  Jesus alone.   If you want to know more about being a Christian and the awesome benefits of being one, I would love to chat with you about it.  Please call me at 836-2874 or email me at

Remember, Be God Controlled!


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Perseverance Strong

Difficulties.  Hardships.  Trials.  Financial woes.  Marital problems.  Family issues.  Health concerns.  And on we could go.  All of these zap our spirit and can cause depression, loss of sleep, anxiety, and/or sorrow.  How can I overcome adversity?  How can I persevere when life seems to be crashing down and there is no end in sight?  What can I do when it is hard to get out of the bed and face another day of turmoil and shame?  

Any relief in sight?  

Any solutions to heartache, marital problems, or financial crisis?  


There’s a guy in the New Testament that says to Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” (NIV) James 1:2-3

James was one of the half brothers to Jesus.  Although Jesus and James grew up under the same roof, James, along with his other siblings did not believe in what Jesus was teaching to be true.  It took the brutal punishment and the resurrection of Jesus before James and his siblings to come around and finally believe that Jesus was truly the Son of God.  That being said, if there ever was a person who witnessed adversity in a person’s life, it was James.  He witnessed the horrendous, bloody and gut-wrenching murder of his brother. James saw first hand the brutality of godless people.  He heard the laughter, insults and blasphemy of the barbaric and so-called religious people of his day that were hurled toward his sibling.  

Not only did James witness the details of a brother who was murdered, he witnessed a brother who persevered under extreme and intense pain.  James not only heard the insults of the mob, but he heard the forgiveness of the man who claimed to be the Son of God toward a people who murdered him for that very claim.  

James came to understand that in all trials it isn’t the pain and suffering that is the most important part to focus on, rather, it is the life-lessons, experiences, and what we take away for each trial and testing when it is all over that is the most important.  A person who is filled with the Spirit of God will experience the full measure of joy when they see what the end results of the trials and testing ultimately give them – PERSEVERANCE!     

Perseverance is the ability to keep moving and not give up in spite of trials in ones life.  Helen Keller said, “The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome.  The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.”

When Keller was one and a half years old, she developed a fever that would eventually take her eyesight and hearing.  Eventually, her determination to persevere catapulted her to learn.  She was able to communicate in five ways:  Touch-lip reading, braille, speaking, typing, and finger spelling.  Keller went on to write her first book called, “Story of My life” and graduated cum laude from Radcliff College, which is now, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study-Harvard University.  Keller’s ability to get past what she didn’t have and persevere under extreme difficulty; inspired a nation.

To be perseverance strong, each of us has to see what can be, rather than, what isn’t.  We have to be a determined people who are bent on allowing the Spirit of God to lead through every difficulty, trial, financial woe, martial problem, family issue, and health concern.  Traveling the road of hardship by ourselves will only create animosity towards God and those around us who we feel don’t know what it is like to suffer. 

To be perseverance strong each of us must allow God to hold us and give us the needed rest along the journey.  Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”  (MSG)

To be perseverance strong each of us must trust God.  God told Joshua when he got the job to lead a few million people into the promise land in Deuteronomy 31:6, So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (NLT)

God is in the business of ensuring we have all the tools to develop within each of us a perseverance strong mentality; all we have to do is trust him.  Philippians 4:13 says that we can do anything because of Christ.  You can!  Trials and hardships are temporary, but God’s love and resources are limitless.  

Remember, Be God Controlled!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jesus Strong

Livestrong is an organization that is bent on helping others to be fit, giving advice to those who suffer from cancer or suggesting nutritional programs aimed at helping each individual need.  They provide counseling, mentors, and staff that are equipped with the abilities to effectively help everyone.  As one who struggles with staying fit, having organizations like Livestrong helps me effectively overcome the challenges of being lazy, complacent, or with dietary needs. 

Eating right and staying healthy and fit is God’s desire for each of us.  Proverb 23:2 says, When you go out to dinner with an influential person, mind your manners:
Don’t gobble your food, don’t talk with your mouth full.  And don’t stuff yourself; bridle your appetite.”
(MSG)  In order to stay healthy, fit, and maintain an honorable weight, we must ensure that we are Jesus strong, too.  As I write this article, I am failing to fulfill God’s desire to respect the body he has created for me.   Putting into place measures that will aid one in getting to the place God wants us to be will enable each of us to experience spiritual success. 

Not only should we strive to be fit physically, we must ensure that we are fit spiritually, too.  Physical fitness is a spiritual matter, but it is only one element of the spiritual life.  God has given us the best resource to spiritual fitness that has ever been written; it is called the bible.  The bible doesn’t beat around the bush or sugar coats spiritual living; rather, it gets to the point.  A Jesus strong life will ensure that all resources are used effectively and consistently. 

Within Jesus’s sermon that he gave on the mountain, he taught some very simple truths that will help each of us effectively become a Jesus strong Christian.  If each of us follows these basic life lessons, no amount of temptations, trials, pressures or hardship will be able to knock us out of our pursuit of a Jesus strong life. 

The first Jesus strong lesson is found in Matthew 5:13&14.  Jesus taught that effective people are favorable.  Meaning, when a person speaks to you, everything you say back is seasoned with the right tone and attitude.  A salt-life person will ensure that his/her life is tasteful.  Jesus also said that an effective person would light up a room or a community positively.  The light reveals to others what a Christian looks and acts like.  Being a Jesus strong light will uncover the right morals, ethics, and character the world needs to see. 

The second Jesus strong lesson is found in Matthew 6:14&15.  Jesus said that those who desire to be forgiven must practice forgiveness, too.  Forgiveness can be tough to give out.  I know!  When we’ve been done wrong, lied about or hurt; the desire may be to get revenge.  A Jesus strong person seeks to be the best he/she can be by giving to others what they really want for themselves; that is forgiveness.  Forgiving releases and opens the floodgates of relationship building.  It also keeps us from disappointing God and continuing to receive the forgiveness we want, too. 

The third Jesus strong lesson is found in Matthew 7:1&2.  Jesus was concerned about the judgmental attitudes some had developed.  He nailed it when he said, “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”  (NIV)  That is a tough saying.  I cringe when I think of the times I have judged others.  I surely do not want that same judgment heaped on me.  God did not give any of us the role of judge.  We teach.  We love.  We demonstrate.  We live out godly lives.  But, we do not judge.  Period.  For anyone to condemn others is condemning him/herself as well.  A Jesus strong person will focus on seeing the value in each person for who they are, not what they think they should be. 

A Jesus strong person will help shape a community for the better.  When each Christian values what Jesus says and lives out the teachings of Scriptures, it will make a difference.  One of the most important acts all Christians can do is to unite together for the cause of Christ, become a spiritual flavor and a light to attract a world that does not know Jesus.  Mostly, when judging stops and unity begins, Christianity is elevated to what Jesus desired all a long when he first spoke to the people at the base of the mountain. 

Remember, Be God Controlled!
