Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jesus Strong

Livestrong is an organization that is bent on helping others to be fit, giving advice to those who suffer from cancer or suggesting nutritional programs aimed at helping each individual need.  They provide counseling, mentors, and staff that are equipped with the abilities to effectively help everyone.  As one who struggles with staying fit, having organizations like Livestrong helps me effectively overcome the challenges of being lazy, complacent, or with dietary needs. 

Eating right and staying healthy and fit is God’s desire for each of us.  Proverb 23:2 says, When you go out to dinner with an influential person, mind your manners:
Don’t gobble your food, don’t talk with your mouth full.  And don’t stuff yourself; bridle your appetite.”
(MSG)  In order to stay healthy, fit, and maintain an honorable weight, we must ensure that we are Jesus strong, too.  As I write this article, I am failing to fulfill God’s desire to respect the body he has created for me.   Putting into place measures that will aid one in getting to the place God wants us to be will enable each of us to experience spiritual success. 

Not only should we strive to be fit physically, we must ensure that we are fit spiritually, too.  Physical fitness is a spiritual matter, but it is only one element of the spiritual life.  God has given us the best resource to spiritual fitness that has ever been written; it is called the bible.  The bible doesn’t beat around the bush or sugar coats spiritual living; rather, it gets to the point.  A Jesus strong life will ensure that all resources are used effectively and consistently. 

Within Jesus’s sermon that he gave on the mountain, he taught some very simple truths that will help each of us effectively become a Jesus strong Christian.  If each of us follows these basic life lessons, no amount of temptations, trials, pressures or hardship will be able to knock us out of our pursuit of a Jesus strong life. 

The first Jesus strong lesson is found in Matthew 5:13&14.  Jesus taught that effective people are favorable.  Meaning, when a person speaks to you, everything you say back is seasoned with the right tone and attitude.  A salt-life person will ensure that his/her life is tasteful.  Jesus also said that an effective person would light up a room or a community positively.  The light reveals to others what a Christian looks and acts like.  Being a Jesus strong light will uncover the right morals, ethics, and character the world needs to see. 

The second Jesus strong lesson is found in Matthew 6:14&15.  Jesus said that those who desire to be forgiven must practice forgiveness, too.  Forgiveness can be tough to give out.  I know!  When we’ve been done wrong, lied about or hurt; the desire may be to get revenge.  A Jesus strong person seeks to be the best he/she can be by giving to others what they really want for themselves; that is forgiveness.  Forgiving releases and opens the floodgates of relationship building.  It also keeps us from disappointing God and continuing to receive the forgiveness we want, too. 

The third Jesus strong lesson is found in Matthew 7:1&2.  Jesus was concerned about the judgmental attitudes some had developed.  He nailed it when he said, “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”  (NIV)  That is a tough saying.  I cringe when I think of the times I have judged others.  I surely do not want that same judgment heaped on me.  God did not give any of us the role of judge.  We teach.  We love.  We demonstrate.  We live out godly lives.  But, we do not judge.  Period.  For anyone to condemn others is condemning him/herself as well.  A Jesus strong person will focus on seeing the value in each person for who they are, not what they think they should be. 

A Jesus strong person will help shape a community for the better.  When each Christian values what Jesus says and lives out the teachings of Scriptures, it will make a difference.  One of the most important acts all Christians can do is to unite together for the cause of Christ, become a spiritual flavor and a light to attract a world that does not know Jesus.  Mostly, when judging stops and unity begins, Christianity is elevated to what Jesus desired all a long when he first spoke to the people at the base of the mountain. 

Remember, Be God Controlled!


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