Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fasting for Spiritual Purposes

Richard Foster, an author said, "Fasting can bring breakthroughs in the spiritual realm that could never be had in any other way."

Thomas Jefferson, 3rd U.S. President said, "Fasting and prayer are religious exercises; the enjoining them, an act of discipline."

Quintus Tertullianus, an early Christian author said, "Fasting possesses great power. If practiced with the right intention, it makes one a friend of God. The demons are aware of that."

History of Fasting
On the day of Atonement in Leviticus 23:27, the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies to make atonement for all the sins of the Israelites.  During this time, all the people had to deny themselves of any food and present an offering to the Lord.  Fasting was a part of the spiritual culture and lives of those throughout the Old and New Testaments.

 Purpose and Motive of Fasting
The purpose of fasting is to take our focus off of self and things of this world and place it upon God.  According to Isaiah 58:6-8, the motive of fasting was totally centered on themselves rather than on God and those who needed spiritual restoration or those who needed a meal to eat, clothes to wear, or a place to call home. 

Jesus dealt with hypocrites who fasted to only be seen of others in Matthew 6:16-18.  The fasting was about connecting with God in order to become spiritual renewed.    The motive of fasting is about humility.  Sacrifice.  Focus.  Cleansing.  Mourning.  Being spiritual.  Spirit-led.  Right motive.  Reliance on God.  Empty-self. 

Reasons to Fast
Because of sin - 2 Samuel 12:13-23 David sin with Bathsheba. 

Hearing bad news - Nehemiah 1:4  Nehemiah fasted over the bad news he heard about Jerusalem.

For friends and family who are sick -
Psalm 35:13 David's love for his friends were strong enough for him to give up food in order to plead to God for a healing. 

Before a new ministry - Acts 13:1-3 The early church valued the mission ministry so much so that before a mission team was sent out, they spent time in worship and fasting.  

Committing elders to the church - Acts 14:23 The selection of elders for the church was extremely important.  Trust was a key factor in the selection.  Fasting was a way to give up so the God could come in.

To prepare us for temptations -Matthew 4:1-11 Prior to Jesus' temptations, He spent forty days and nights in preparation.  Although Jesus was physically hungry, he was more hungry to live our godly values and allow the Scriptures to feed Him in the series of temptations he faced.

Benefits of Fasting
There is a spiritual significance when one turns their life over to God and uses fasting as a tool to empty themselves to do it.  Jonah 3 is a perfect example of what God does when people are willing to humble themselves, turn from their sins, and give up food and water so that they can totally rely on God and feast upon His Word.   

How to Fast
Fasting is for a specific spiritual reason.  Because of medical reasons, some cannot fast.  If you have never fasted, start slow and work your way to an entire 24 hour period.  Maybe it's fasting for 6 hours and then 12 hours and then 24 hours.  In those fasting times, give your entire self to God and listen intently.  Read Scripture.  Pray deeply.  Be open and honest with God.  Don't hold back. 

Remember, Be God Controlled!



  1. ... "listen intently" Listen to what intently ???

  2. So do you not respond to comments?
