Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Jesus Life

The Jesus life is an extraordinary life to live.  The Jesus life isn’t a splattering of do’s and don’ts or a life so difficult that we plead with God to make it easier.  The Jesus life is a life filled with helping others, loving your neighbor, treating others the way you want to be treated, walking many miles with someone who is hurting, feeding hungry people, visiting the lonely and sickly, giving a drink of water to a thirsty woman, putting clothes on a naked man.  The Jesus life is being charitable.  Being kind.  Being grace.  Being joy.  Being Jesus!

Living the Jesus life does not help only those in one particular tribe of people, nor does it profess to have all the answers.  The Jesus life is not bound by denominations either; rather, it is being recognizable that we are “…Jesus’ disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.”    John 13:35 (MSG).  The Jesus life is a forgiving life.  It understands that forgiveness is a way of life and it has benefits to go along with it.  Jesus said in part of his sermon in Matthew 6:14 “that if you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” (NIV)

As a young boy growing up going to “church”, it was hammered weekly to be obedient, to repent when you sin, to walk the narrow road because that is the only road that leads to eternal life, don’t cuss, don’t drink, don’t mix swim, don’t bring reproach on the church.  Don’t, don’t, don’t.  I’ve often wondered if there was anything I can do.  I do agree that cussing isn’t an attractive vocabulary and repenting when we sin is biblically the right thing to do, but being a Christian back then seemed so regimented and harsh.  I often thought that I could never measure up and I am doomed for hell.  As much as I tried, I just couldn’t be what the preacher said I must be.


Until I got a hold of Jesus’ sermon in Matthew chapters 5,6, &7.  Jesus gives the audience something to live for and live by.  Jesus was a master at helping those “law” abiding citizens see a better way of living.  Throughout his sermon, he captivates his listeners with truths that are attainable and he said them with tenderness and love and kindness.  Jesus did not send a mixed message, nor did he try to flatter anyone with is speaking abilities.  Jesus simply was telling them how to live a life that will be attractive and attainable for anyone who desires to change and live a new life.

The Jesus life desires God and mourns over their sins because they deeply desire to be honorable as a representative for Jesus.  The Jesus life submits to the will of God, not to our own will.  The Jesus life hungers and thirst for right living and is merciful toward others.  The Jesus life desires to live in purity and keeps the peace with others.  The Jesus life may be filled with hardship due to others not valuing the life chosen to live.  Persecution may come from those who despise Jesus and anyone who follows him. 

The Jesus life isn’t about what name is on our marquees of our church buildings, rather what is in our hearts and how we model the sermon of Jesus.  The Jesus life is leaving a good taste in non-believers mouths and being a light that is attractive by living who we say we represent. 

The Jesus life has no murderous thoughts nor does it undress a man or woman in our minds because we have such a lustful life.  The Jesus life keeps our word, loves our enemies and gives to those in need.  The Jesus life only stores things in life that will be usable and spiritual.  The Jesus life does not judge others, but leaves it up to God.  The Jesus life seeks God, walks according to God’s Word and bears fruit on his/her life.  The Jesus life has a strong foundation that will be sustained when the storms of life come. 

Jesus’ sermon is transforming and doable.  The Jesus life must begin today.  Right now.  Will you live the Jesus life?  Will you open your heart to Jesus and call him Lord and allow him to reign supremely in your life? I would love to chat with you about how living the Jesus life can change your life forever.  Call me at 931-545-7543 today. 

Remember, Be God Controlled!


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