Thursday, April 9, 2015

Modeling Christianity

Over the last few months, I’ve thought a lot about Christianity.  I’ve thought about the way I was raised in a home where the Christian life was the way of life.  My father was a servant leader in the church.  His tasks were to care for those who needed some kind of assistance, I.e. groceries, help with electric bill or rent.  Also, he was the lead servant in the area of sharing Jesus.  My father conducted countless bible studies and hundreds came to know Jesus because of his relentless passion for telling the Jesus story. 

My father grew in Christ.  He studied.  He learned.  He lived.  He shared.  He developed an unwavering love for God that was attractive.  He didn’t boast about what he did for Jesus, rather he served.  He took seriously what Jesus said in Matthew 5 about being salt and light.  My father seasons his speech with words that builds up and encouraged.  He sprinkles every conversation with grace and love.  He leaves a good taste of Christianity with everyone who meets him.  My father also lives out the Jesus life.  He lights up a room by his conduct, morals, ethics and values.  He models Christianity by serving others.  He spotlights Jesus by listening, rather than condemning.  He showcases the beauty of Jesus by being tender, thoughtful and selfless. 

I’m proud to be my father’s son.  I’m proud to have been exposed to a view of Christianity that demonstrated mercy and forgiveness.  And, I’m proud that my father never waivered on godly principles and ethical standards.  I know Christianity because my father knew Ephesians 6:4 “Fathers…Take them [children] by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.” (MSG)

As I have been thinking about Christianity, I’ve wondered why some have a negative view of those who are Christ followers.  What are we doing or not doing that has left a bad taste about Christianity?  Is it possible that Ephesians 5:1 is not a lead motto of our Jesus walk:  “Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children, and walk in the way of love….” (NIV)  Is it possible that our harsh judgments of others have led others away from Jesus?  Is it possible that our model of Christianity is not centered around Christ at all; rather it has been centered on what previous theologians, professors or preachers have taught?  Is it possible that the two commands of Jesus’ teaching:  Love God and Love People are met with resistance based on doctrine rather than love? The Apostle Paul said in 1st Corinthians 13:13, “And now these three remain:  faith, home and love.  But the greatest of these is love.” (NIV)  Love supersedes everything else.  The Apostle Paul also said in the first part of chapter thirteen that I can possess so much, but if love isn’t the cornerstone of our lives, then nothing is gained. 

Christianity must be viewed as a relationship with Jesus, not just another major religion.  Christianity must be modeled in the lives of those who claim to be one by living out the Jesus life daily.  Christianity must not be segregated by countless “denominations” and “non-denominations, but rather, are united as people belonging to Jesus. 

Modeling Christianity means sacrifice.  Determination.  Counting the cost.  Love.  Mercy.  Salt.  Light.  Hope.  Grace.  Spirit.  Forgiveness.  Jesus.  Truth.  Joy.  Kindness.  Compassion.  Peace.  Patience.  Goodness.  Gentleness.  Faithfulness.  Self-control. 

If there is ever a time for Christians to stand united, it is now!  If there is ever a time for believers to live out the Jesus life, it is now!  If there is ever a time for a nation to see the true colors of Christianity, it is now! 

It begins with ME!  It begins with YOU! 

Will you be a Christian model of righteousness?  Will you love God and people?  Will you open your heart to your neighbor?  Will you tear down the walls that cause division?  Will you be Jesus to a world that needs to see what he looks like today? 

Now is the time! 

Remember, Be God Controlled!


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