Thursday, October 1, 2015

Smile, It Increase Face Value!

There are many websites and even Facebook that has the title: Smile, It Increases Face Value. There is something to be said about an individual whose lips are pointed in the up position at the ends, rather than in the down position.

A smile conveys a message that things are good. I know, you might be thinking that there are those and even yourself who can put on a fake smile. I've done that myself. Whether the smile is fake or real, it still conveys a positive message to those around us. And, most of the times, a smile changes the atmosphere in the room. The last thing anyone needs in our little community of friends is a sour attitude with a frown on our face that conveys the song sung by Buck Owens and Roy Clark on the T.V. show, Hee-Haw many years ago:

“Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep dark depression,

excessive misery;

If it weren’t for bad luck,
I’d have no luck at all:
Gloom, despair and agony on me.”

Proverbs 15:13 says, “A happy heart makes the face cheerful.” and we find in
Proverbs 17:22 that “a cheerful heart is good medicine.” Our attitudes color our whole personality. We cannot always choose what happens to us, be we can choose our attitude toward each situation. Someone once said, “What we put in our minds determines what comes out in our actions. Paul wrote in Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.”

If you smile the day will be cheery,
if you smile the day will be bright.

If you think good thoughts you’ll be happy,

and everything will work out just right.

So don’t let a frown turn you sour,

don’t let bad thoughts make you blue.

Just always remember, think positively,

for how you feel is up to you!

Susan L. Wiener

“Most of us miss out on life’s big pleasures. The Pulitzer. The Heisman. Oscars. But we’re all eligible for life’s small pleasures. A pat on the back. A kiss behind the ear. A four-pound bass. A full moon. An empty parking space. A crackling fire. A great meal. A glorious sunset. Enjoy life’s tiny delights. There are plenty for all of us.”
Source unknown

A smile is a wrinkle that shouldn’t be removed!

Remember, Be God Controlled!


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