Wednesday, October 26, 2016

I voted!

This election has been like none other in my lifetime. I have read countless thoughts about Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump. Many weigh in on the presidential candidate’s ability to lead our nation. News media has their choice. Christians are divided on their choice. The nation at large is divided on their choice. Who will win? Who should win?

It has been said by multiple people that conscientiously they cannot vote for either candidate; therefore, they will sit home and not cast a vote.  Truth be told, that is their right not to vote, but I will say ever so boldly, make sure that you do not complain the next morning when the newspaper headlines read:  ____________ is now the President of the United States. 

Like every election, there are important issues on the line for many different groups. Issues such as:  Supreme Court Justices.  Social Security.  Healthcare.  Economy.  National Security.  Immigration.  Infrastructure.  Religious Freedom.  Gun Control.  Taxes.  This election is no exception and I am sure that others could add to this list.  The 2016 election is a big deal.  Sure, all the presidential candidates have flaws and have done things that are blatantly and outright wrong.  The question is:  Which of these candidates can rise from the ashes of their own imperfect life and lead a nation who for hundreds of years have prided herself on seeking "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

Yes, our currency still says:  “In God We Trust.”  There is still religious freedom from the largest cities to the smallest towns across America.  Each American can exercise his or her right to bear arms.  Our nation still enjoys the freedom of speech and the opportunities to go about exploring our country without fear of government intrusion.  Protesting on the streets or on the sidelines of a football game are freedoms that some other nations cannot do without imprisonment or death. 

The reason we still enjoy all the freedoms and the “In God We Trust” on our currency is because men and women all across this land for centuries have fought hard to preserve the ideals of a great nation.  Our forefathers and mothers literally worked themselves into an early grave so that generations to come would experience a land of hope, prosperity, freedom, safety and resilience.  May it never be said that any of us squandered their vision and hard work because we disliked a presidential candidate or was too “religious” to vote for someone with whom we thought didn’t fit the mold of “correctness.” 

As I write this, I have already voted.  I chose the one whom I thought would best lead our nation.  This candidate is not perfect, did things I totally disagree with and said things that made me mad.  But, in the end, I had to take a hard look at what would this candidate do for our nation morally and ethically.  I listened to this candidate’s ideas, philosophies, experiences and determination.  I reviewed this candidate’s stance on a few of my most important social values and ensured they matched closely.  Is this candidate perfect?  Not at all!  But, neither am I!  So, based on lots of prayer and guidance from the Spirit of God, I made my choice.  If this candidate wins, praise God.  If this candidate does not win, praise God!  To stay home for me was not an option.

So, as the election draws near, this is how each of us should respond now and when the results are revealed:  May God bless the United States of America!

1. Pray for each candidate no matter how you feel about them.
2. God is still in control and knows exactly what he is doing; so, trust Him.
3. Do not show disrespect for either candidate; after all, they are each still one of God's children.
4. Keep calm.
5. Stand for your moral and ethical truths, but don't show hatred toward others who differ in their moral and ethical truths.
6. Remember, no matter who wins, God is highly capable of working out the details of how He needs and wants America to be. Don't take matters into your own hands. Trust Him!
7. Lift Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump up to God, rather than spouting critical accusations based on what is heard from the media.
8. Don't let Satan steal the show by distracting us in forming hurtful, harmful and hateful opinions about others voting for a particular candidate.
9. God is on the scene and working out all the details, so trust that He knows exactly what He is doing.
10. Remember, Presidents come and go, but God is always in control. No President will ever out command God, veto God nor ban God from this great nation He has blessed. Keep trusting. Keep praying. Keep loving. Keep calm. Keep focused.

Remember, Be God Controlled!


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