Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Workplace Behavior

You invest more than one-third of your life at work.  You start the engine at 6:00 a.m. You punch the clock, boot up the computer, eat lunch at noon, but trying to keep your mind and body focused until the buzzer sounds can be difficult. You do that same routine day after day.

How does your relationship with God grow in all this? The temptation is to separate your life into two parts:  At the job and with the church family.   What do others at the workplace expect me to be?  Some practical advice on how to live out Jesus in the workplace:

Let co-workers see your faith in action
Your friends at work know about your faith because...
     You have mentioned that you are involved with a local church family.
     You've told them that you would pray for them as they go through a crisis.
     There's just that "something" about you that is different and attractive.
     They've seen you go through a crisis and still maintain a Christ-like attitude.

Whatever your style, ask the Lord to make your life a "sweet fragrance of Him" 
2nd Corinthians 2:14.  Look for ways to model your faith and "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”  1 Peter 3:15

Stay focused
Do you ever find yourself thinking ...
     "How in the world did I end up here?"
     "I may look like I have it 'all together,' but I hope no one realizes how afraid I am."
     "What do people expect of me? Am I doing a good job?"
     "How do I let my faith show in this place?"

Centuries ago, a woman named Esther shared some of the same lessons. Her life - and yours - can be summed up in Esther 4:14: "Who knows [if God hasn't placed you here] for such a time as this?" God is always walking with you no matter the events in your life so that you will always trust Him.   As you head off to work tomorrow, believe that God is in the workplace with you.

Remember, Be God Controlled!



  1. Thanks Brian. It seems as if most churches forget that worship and ministry occurs more at work and school than it does through church. That means that much of the pressure to segment life into sacred and secular comes from the church end. I know this is unintentional, but what could we do to emphasize marketplace ministry as part of our calling and our ministry empowered by church and not in competition for time with church?

  2. Thank you for your comment, Phil! I have talked to many who say that pressure is placed on them so much to be "faithful" to the church gatherings and attend every "church event" that there is never any emphasis placed on holy living from the perspective of being honorable, grace, joy, or kindness in the marketplace. I was talking to a guy today that told me that he left a church and whenever he saw some of the people from that church out in the community, they would ignore him. His feeling was that you are only accepted if you are only a part of their particular church. This must change. We must be the face of Jesus in how we deal with everyone. Jesus said, whatever you have done for the least of these, you've also done it unto me. we must encourage our church families that the marketplace is the place of great influence and opportunity to be the salt and light Jesus said to be. Just my 2 cents worth. A lot more could be said.
