Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Moral Tug of War

Who picks what is morally right or wrong? As one who grew up in "church," I was taught about moral standards from a biblical perspective. I was taught that stealing and lying were wrong, along with a lot of other, "don't do's" because they were sinful. 
Over the years, there has been a shift in what is and isn't acceptable morally. Media and religion seem to be the driving force behind what is right and wrong. Religiously, people have taken hard stands against anyone they deem has crossed the moral standard lines and are fighting fiercely to uphold their biblical moral truths at all cost. Media has open the door for total acceptance and moral truth in whatever you believe your truth to be. Media is the protector of freedom of expression and life without boundaries.
Morality has become subjective by the media and truth has become tainted by the Christian. Media says moral standards are based on your personal feelings and what you believe you are to be or believe through the influences of others or your own personal opinions is your right. Christians have tainted truth by becoming the self-righteous, judge and jury and the keeper of the moral gate. They have pushed people away by their hard moral stand and sent the moral truth breakers to hell. 
For media and Christians to navigate together, there has to be a willingness to insulting each other for being reckless and out of touch with moral reality. 
It is okay to disagree with someone's moral view; but, it's not okay to be hateful, discriminatory, slanderous or revengeful. It is imperative to seek common ground and to discuss the moral differences. In doing so, we change the negative climate and open the door for patience to lead the way. 
Mahatma Gandhi captured patience perfectly when he said, "To lose patience is to lose the battle." In order to win the battle we must come to the table and talk. We must be okay with someone not agreeing with our life choices. We must be willing to seek truth at all times (it's possible that what we thought was right, could be wrong). And, we must love more than anything else we do. 
My personal moral compassion is driven by God. These are the principles I tried to live by...
1. Love God mostly, so I can love others better
2. God gets the first, middle and last word
3. Treat others the way you want to be treated - Matthew 7:12
4. Be kind and merciful, and forgive others - Ephesians 4:32
5. Seek first righteousness - Matthew 6:33
6. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Dr. King Jr. 
Remember, Be God Controlled!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Choice: Pro and Con

We all make choices in life. The easier choices are Coke Vs. Pepsi or McDonalds Vs. Burger King or Chevy Vs. Ford.

The harder life choices are not so easy to make. Where do I go to college? What career do I want to pursue? Who will I marry? Where will I live? Or, what are my core beliefs?
The more serious the question, the more difficult it is to make a choice. We need time to think about the pros and cons and consequences. We need time to think about how will my choice impact "me" and the people around me. We need time to think about how my values, morals and beliefs affect my views socially, politically and spiritually. Ultimately, we have to make a choice, no matter if it's a college, spiritual, political, a life partner or where to live. 
Not everyone will like the choices we make. The naysayers will have their vocal opinions and give every reason why the choice you made isn't the right one. On the other hand, the supporters of your choice will be encouraging, loving and will be happy that you're happy. 
Choosing is hard. Making choices will sometimes alienate people whom we love and care about deeply. Making choices will put us on a side. The intention of choosing isn't to hurt or harm or alienate, but by choosing a belief, it automatically labels us and sometimes, the label is unfair. 
When making a choice about anything in life, ask yourself 3 question to help you discover the best choice to make:
1. Does my choice honor God? - "Do what the Lord wants, and he will give you your heart's desire." Psalm 37:4
2. Does my choice connect with God's plan? - "Share your plans with the Lord, and you will succeed." Proverbs 16:3
3. Will my choice make God happy? - "Don't be like the people of the world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to Him." Romans 12:2
Remember, Be God Controlled!

Saturday, June 25, 2022

How to Disagree with Other People

Disagreeing with someone must not be the end of the relationship; rather, it can become the first stepping stone to a stronger friendship or better relationship or deeper understanding. 
If we were to take a page out of Jesus’ playbook, we would become more relational in our society, rather than becoming out of control arguers or defenders of “truth” or wall builders to keep the sinners out. 
Jesus’ disagreement Playbook…
Jesus disagreed with Zacchaeus’ tax collecting motives, but instead of ignoring him or gossiping about him, Jesus invited himself to Zaccaeus’ house. They sat down together at the kitchen table and talked it out. 
Jesus disagreed with the life choices of the Samaritan woman who was shacked up with a guy. Instead of throwing the Law book at her, Jesus spent time with her around the water hole and talked it out. 
Jesus disagreed with Peter who was one of his disciples, but instead of kicking him out of the apprenticeship, they talked it out. 
Disagreeing with someone is not a sin, it’s how or the way we disagree with someone that can become problematic. It’s ok to stand up for your convictions or truth, but it’s not ok to be hateful, condescending or slanderous. 
When disagreeing….
Be kind
Be sensitive
Be gentle
Be patient
Be truthful
Be love
Remember, Be God Controlled!

Friday, June 24, 2022

How to Respond to the Supreme Court’s Decision (any of them)


May our differences in political views or social values be used as a bridge to understand each other’s opinion. 
May we not allow our differences to become a deterrent to a community of solidarity.
If we engage in the promotion of understanding each other’s views, we become a nation driven by tolerance in each other. 
Hate language will never solve our disagreements and bickering over “truth” will never solve the answer and blaming a political party or leftist or far right people will never open the door for intellectual conversations. 
As one who is a preacher and teaches the truths of Scripture, I must uphold God’s greatest command by loving God mostly and loving each other deeply from the heart no matter if I agree or disagree with someone. 
I cannot be so religiously arrogant that I do not demonstrate patience or tolerance or a willingness to give someone I disagree with a seat at my kitchen table or a welcoming place in our church gatherings.
Now is the time to “be still.” Now is the time to stop being bitter, angry, or mad. Now is the time to stop shouting angrily or say things to hurt others. Now is the time to stop doing anything evil.
We cannot solve anything or hear anyone or understand “truth” if we are not listening to each other!
God, use me to be kind to anyone whom I disagree with and showcase your love by acting in love, grace and patience. 
Remember, Be God Controlled!