Monday, January 31, 2022

What Our Children Experience Can Be Good Or Bad


Day 31: Exodus 32:1:1-34:35

Being a product of your environment can be good or bad. What we learn as a child can effect us for the rest of our lives, good or bad. A child growing up in a home where God is taught will be more likely to follow God. It is also true about home environments that are negative, crime ridden and where hate of other skin colors are taught.

For Aaron and the Israelites, they lived 400 years in a country where idols were worship. Every day, they were surrounded by idol worship. It was likely that the Israelites merged worshiping God and idols together. While Moses was on the mountain with God receiving the Ten Commandments, the people grew restless and wondered if Moses was ever going to come back. So, they did what was normal for them, the wanted an idol to be made so that they could worship it. Exodus 32

Our home was not a perfect home growing up. There were many missteps and negative issues that are forever etched in my mind. There were practices that my parents used for disciplining us that I said I would never use on my, didn't. However, we were taught to have a strong work ethic, be on time, tell the truth, love and worship God and be honest...So, I passed down those teachings to my kids.

The teachings that were taught that led me to Christ, I still live out today. I am who I am as a result of the many good influences from my parents that helped shape my life.

The negative behaviors that I experienced, I made a decision not to be what I didn't like or not become a product of my environment that didn't bring honor to God.

When our homes teach about the goodness of God, the values of honesty, godly moral character and truth about living the Jesus life, the future parents will be better equipped to passing on more good than bad.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Obeying Jesus Will Save Your Life...Eternally


Day 29: Exodus 29:1:1-31:18

6th grade was a year I was paddled by the principal for swinging on the door. I also got in trouble by my music teacher for jumping over the fence, so, for the entire music period that day, I had to jump back and forth over the fence. And, some kid ratted me out for saying a curse word in art class, so I had to write, "I will not say curse words in art class" 1,000 times. I never said another curse word again, well, in 6th grade.

The Drill Sergeant said to all of us new recruits on day one, "Always do the right thing even when you think no one is watching, you never know when we might show up."

Following rules isn't a bad thing; especially if they are meant to keep you from harm. There is an expression,"Rules are made to be broken." True, but mostly by those who do not believe in moral integrity or respect for authority or careless living.

God gave specific instructions on how to approach the Holy Place of God. God did not mince words when it came to the Tabernacle and how the Priest will enter the Meeting Place. If one fails to obey him, he flat out says, they will die. Exodus 29:1ff

As I have said before, God is patience, forgiving, fair and merciful. "God isn’t slow about keeping his promises, as some people think he is. In fact, God is patient, because he wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost." 2 Peter 3:9

Jesus said, "If you love me, you will do what I say." John 14:15. Jesus also said, "The people who are really blessed are the ones who hear and obey God’s message!”

Doing what God says do will change the trajectory of your life from spiritually lifeless and careless about God's Word to one who is spiritually on fire for God and living the Jesus life out loud, boldly and courageously.

Obeying Jesus isn't a bad thing. it actually will save your life eternally.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

What I Offer God Says A Lot About My Spiritual Self


Day 29: Exodus 25:1:1-28:43

Have you ever made an offering to God in which your heart prompted you to give? I mean, have you really given something to God that was valuable? I am not talking about dollars or exquisite paintings or diamonds; I am talking about a value of one's life.

When God told Moses to tell the Israelites to bring him an offering, the offering was to be heartfelt. The offerings would be used to make a sanctuary for the Lord so he can dwell among them. Exodus 25:1-9

Every church gathering I have ever experienced, has a time of offering. It is a time to give dollars for the "ministries" of the church. I have rummaged through the 20's, 10's and 5's in my wallet before the offering basket got to me with no real thought about the offering. I would quickly take a journey in my mind what I might need this money for during the week. I would convince myself that it was Sunday and we always eat out after "church." So, I would deduct that amount and move on to the next justification on why I needed to give 25 or 30 bucks rather than an offering that would really make an impact on me and the ministries that would help others know Jesus.

I have learned that God doesn't need our money; rather, he wants our heart! When our heart is right, our offerings are better. God doesn't care about time, but when our relationship is right with God, our time is given to serve him daily through our parenting, marriages, workplace, ballgames, dance recitals and a host of other places.

I have also learned that the offering of myself to God is the best offering of them all. Romans 12:1 says it best, "So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering." (The Message)

When we give our life totally and sacrifically to God, we will be more generous in helping our churches financially, we will live the Jesus life in real time every day and will think about what God wants more than self and will love God mostly and in turn, love others better! What are you offering God?

Friday, January 28, 2022

Worshp Isn't Just For Sunday

 Day 28: Exodus 19:1-24:18

Worship gatherings are a wonderful place to fellowship, celebrate, and to be edified. I love to attend them and listen to laughter and music being made from the hearts of each attendee as they lift Jesus up, and to cheer on those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus and to joyfully sit around the supper table and eat the bread and drink the wine that represents Christ sacrifice. Each gathering gives us hope and encouragement and gives us a boost.

I’ve often heard it said that there are five acts of worship in the gathering: Giving. Singing.Preaching. Lord’s Supper. And, Praying and that in order to do it right, we had to meet in a “church building.”

I have found that worshiping God is so much more than sitting idle in a building and going through “acts” of worship. Worshiping God isn’t confined to a facility once a week and then it is over until the next week; rather, worship is a daily opportunity to demonstrate to our God how much we love, adore and appreciate him

For the Israelites, they are learning to give their entire lives to God and worship will be one of the ways they demonstrate that love, adoration and appreciation. Exodus 19-24

For modern day believers, praying and singing and giving and preaching and taking the Lord’s Supper are all beneficial, they do not solely capture the essence of daily worship. If on one particular Sunday I am unable to sing, does that mean I did not completely worship God? Or, if I left before the sermon started, was my worship cut short, therefore, I did not fully worship? If that were the case we would have a lot of people who do not fully worship God. Or, if worship is confined to a facility only, did many of us go weeks and months without worshiping during the pandemic?

If worship were viewed as described in Ephesians 5:15, “Be careful, then, how you live your life…” then our entire life would change…daily worship would become an integral part of our lives. Everything we do would be a desire to honor God through what we do, say, sing, or places we go. When we praise God for our food, we worship. When help the poor, we worship. When we give clothing to the naked, we worship. When we visit the lonely, we worship, when we work to provide for our families, we worship, when we sing praises to God, we worship. May each day be worship to the Heavenly Father who gave us life!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Listen to God


Day 27: Exodus 15:22-18:12

I remember a preacher by the name of V.E Howard who would hold a "Gospel Meeting" at the Lemay Church of Christ in St. Louis. Throughout his sermon he would say, "Are you listening?" He probably said that phrase 10 to 15 times within a 45 minute sermon. I don't remember anything he said other than, "Are you listening."

My family of eight, six kids and our parents would line a pew every Sunday to listen to sermons. We dare not fall asleep, write notes, bring a snack or goof off. If we looked like we were not listening, my dad would stretch his long arm and pinch the side of our leg to remind us to listen. I don't think my dad understand that a three year old really would have preferred to eat a snack and watch cartoons, rather than listen to some old guy yelling at us for and hour or so.

God made a law for the Israelites to follow. God said, "If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.” Exodus 15:26

There is a notion that God's Word really doesn't matter and we don't have to listen to what he has said in the past. I am here to tell you that God's Word matters as much today as it did when he had his writers write it. The relevancy of God's Word doesn't change with time, rather, it's only as relevant as we want to make it in our lives.

When we listen to God's Word, we will become more aware of how to live truth in real time and help communities overcome lawlessness and become a safe and godly place to live. If we listen to these 10 truths, It will be a life changer, community changer and will stop Satan in his tracks!

1. Be a Jesus follower - Luke 9:23
2. Love God with all of self - Matthew 22:37
3. Forgive in order to be forgiven - Matthew 6:15
4. Treat others with respect and dignity - Luke 6:31
5. Honor your parents - Ephesians 6:1
6. Seek first righteousness - Matthew 6:33
7. Keep your anger in check - Ephesians 4:26
8. Don't watch pornography - 1st Corinthians 6:9
9. Don't hate - Galatians 5:19
10. Be kind and compassionate - Ephesians 4:32

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

God Will Depart the Sea You Need to Cross

Day 26: Exodus 12:51-15:21

Have you ever felt that God is taking too long to answer your prayer or heal a family member or open the door for a job you need or help with financial issues or give you the resources to take of your family?

I have learned over the years that God's timing isn't my timing. He moves at the pace of God, not mine. My urgency isn't his urgency. What I think I need, God may not think that is what I need and he works it out differently.

The Israelites spent 430 years enslaved to the Egyptians. The Hebrew people cried out to God for centuries asking God to free them from the brutality of the Egyptian regime. Day after day, year after year they poured their hearts out to God to do something, but he waited and waited and waited. For whatever reason God waited, it was his prerogative to free them in his timing.

Trusting God is a learned behavior. For Israel, trusting was still a work in progress. As they left Egypt, there was still uncertainty of the reality they were really going to be free. When the Israelites saw that Pharaoh and his Army was in pursuit of them, they were "terrified and cried out to the Lord. They said to Moses,'was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die?'" Exodus 14:11-12

Whenever we are facing a crisis or financial problems or health issues or anxiety or some kind of disaster, it's vital to hold on to the response Moses gives the Israelites, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you...You only need to remain calm; the Lord will fight for you.” Exodus 14:13-14

God is fighting for you. He is working out the details to fix problems, restore health, mend relationships, calm your spirit or open doors for you to experience a better job, marriage, health or hope. Never give up. Trust God's timing. Be patient. God will depart the sea you need to cross!


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Instructions are Not Always Easy to Understand, But Necessary!

Day 25: Exodus 12:1-49

Instructions are needed, but sometimes hard to understand. Products that need to be assembled have some of the most difficult instructions to follow. One Christmas, I purchased a desk for my son that I had to assemble. The desk came with step-by-step instructions on how to assemble it. The instructions were hard to follow since the parts were not numbered or color coded. So, the photo on the box was my best I thought! I spent hours trying to match the parts, but ended up making a mess out of it. I finally got the desk assembled, but it was not exactly the way the photo on the box looked! I improvised a bit and had to drill holes to add screws due to putting a part into another part that didn't fit properly and was not able to get it out. My son noticed how bad it looked and all I was able to tell him was that Santa had a bad night and wasn't able to assemble it properly. I don't think he bought the lie! 
God gave Israel specific instructions on how to keep their firstborn sons from being killed during the final plague that would hit the Egyptians. God told the Israelites in Exodus 12 to prepare for the "Passover" by putting some of the blood from a lamb they are to sacrifice and place it on the door frames of their houses. "At night, God will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn-both men and animals...." 
God will not tolerate a blatant disregard or disrespect of him or of his instructions. Deuteronomy 11:26-27, "You will be blessed if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today. But you will be cursed if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God...." 
It is true that God is patient. Tolerant. Gracious. Merciful. And, forgiving, but it is also true that real love for God is shown in action through our obedience of right living. Jesus said it best in John 15:10, "In the same way, if you obey my commands, you will remain in my love." May we all seek to understand God's Word with clarity and with a motivation to live it out boldly and courageously!

Monday, January 24, 2022

God is no Drill Sergeant, but He Does Call the Shots

Day 24: Exodus 8:25-11:10

When I was in Army Basic Training, discipline was a key component in training us to be the best soldiers. I recall many times when I failed at a task, the drill sergeant would say, "McCutchen, drop and give me 20!" meaning, push-ups. The discipline of push-ups were designed to make us stronger or smarter. So, the more push-ups one did, meant he/she was getting stronger, not smarter. The goal was for us to become smarter in how we performed a task and how we would approach the enemy. 
Most, if not all of us have experienced some kind of discipline when we were a child or student or athlete. Discipline is designed to redirect bad behavior, improve grades and athletic performance. 
Pharaoh in Exodus 8-11, had a really hard time understanding God's discipline. What Pharaoh needed to understand from the first conversation about "Letting God's people go" that it was not a request, it was a demand. Pharaoh's lack of respect for God's authority and power didn't phase his relentless bad behavior. Every time Pharaoh reneged on his promise, God's discipline got worse for him and Egypt. Eventually, God got his full attention when his first-born son died due to Pharaoh's lack of obedience to God's demand to let Israel be free from his brutality and dictatorship. 
When God tells us to do something, he isn't requesting it or asking us to "think about it;" rather, he is instructing us to do it. When we are disobedient, he disciplines us out of love, not out of a mean or vindictive heart. Proverbs 3:11-12, "My child, do not reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t get angry when he corrects you. The Lord corrects those he loves, just as parents correct the child they delight in."
May we all do our best to be the best! God's discipline is out of love to help us be better and live better. God loves you more than anything else in all of creation.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

I Got Mad at God

Day 23: Exodus 5:1-8:24

When I was a kid, we lived near Forrest Park in St. Louis. During the summers, the park staff provided all kinds of activities, lunch and had a baseball league. I played baseball and my team was playing in the championship game. The night before the game, I prayed to God that he would see to it that we win the game. Apparently, God wasn't listening to me or he didn't think a baseball game was worth his effort, because we lost something like 27-0
I was ticked off at God...I mean, fuming mad. I was so mad that whenever God's name was in a song at church, I wouldn't sing his name. I thought that God was supposed to answer prayers; especially a little kids prayer! 
I have grown up a lot since I was nine years old. Baseball games are not such a priority with God, as are healing the sick or feeding the hungry or mending relationships. 
God is busy working out of his heavenly office. He sees the welfare of his children and works around the clock making life better for everyone. The Israelites were going to witness God in real time as he puts Pharaoh in the hot seat for mistreating and enslaving his them. Pharaoh is going to learn quickly who God is and what kind of powerful arsenal he has. 
As God reassures Moses, Aaron and the Israelites in Exodus 5-7 that he will rescue them from the hands of their oppressors, God is telling us the same things thousands of years later. There is nothing too big that God cannot handle or too complicated that God cannot figure it out or too strong that God cannot lift. God solves problems, heals illnesses and provide for our needs.
It is up to us to trust him in his timing. Be patient as he works out the details. Be thankful for what he gives us. Love him with all heart, soul and strength. And, don't get mad when life is hard and money is tight and health is failing. Keep trusting that God will do what he needs to do to get us where we need to be.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

God is Holy

Day 22: Exodus 1:1-4:31 (6:14-27)
I surrendered my life to Jesus at a very young age. It was a moment that I think about often as I seek to honor God with my life. I grew up in a time where preaching was "Hell, Fire and Damnation!" It was brutal at times and I remember feeling that I can never live up to God's expectations if I don't follow all the rules that goes along with being a Christian. 
It took me years to work through the guilt-based theology and to come to understand that God wants all of me, but it isn't works or guilt trips that saves me; rather, it is the sacrifice of Jesus and his resurrection that gives me life...eternal life. 
As I have worked through my relationship with God, I have discovered that his presence in my life isn't based on what I have done or will do, rather its about his holiness working in me to cultivate holy living.
God's conversation with Moses was life changing when he said, "Moses!" Moses answered, "Here I am." God said, "Do not come any closer, take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." Exodus 3:4-5
God is holy. We are in the presence of God everyday. God is honored when we live in holiness and when our words are seasoned with gentleness and our attitudes are led by love and our desires are godly, rather than selfish and worldly. 
Be careful where you place your feet. Be respectful to the Holy One. Surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus means you've stepped into the holy grounds of God and committed to live a holy life.


Friday, January 21, 2022

My Mom Blessed Me Before She Died

Day 21: Genesis 47:29-50:26

As my mother lie in her hospital bed, she knew that her time on earth was almost gone . She asked for me to come into her room. She said, "Please close the door." It was only the two of us. She says, "Come close to me." So, I did. As her eyes began to fill with tears, she softly says, "I have not been the best mother to you. I know that I have hurt you and I ask that you forgive me." I was stunned. I really didn't know what to say. I was shaking a bit. The room got smaller and her voice seemed to fade off in the distance. My mind is racing. My heart is pounding. My mother is dying. I thought, "Is this the last conversation I will have with her?" "Why now?" "Why say it now?" I finally said, "Of course mom!" As I turned to walk out of the room, the very last words I heard my mother say to me was, "I love you!" 
Over the years, anger, hurt and resentment would flood my mind and heart as I thought about my mom. She is gone and I have no opportunity to really talk to her about the things we needed to work out. Until one day, I realized that in the hospital room that day, I was blessed by my mom. I was blessed to know that she really did love me and that she could say, I am sorry. 
As I drove back to St. Louis for the funeral, my sister told me that mom wanted me to know that she was really proud that I was a preacher. I thought, "boy, I really wish I could have heard her say that to me." but just knowing she felt that way made me feel good, really good. 
As Jacob blessed his boy before he died, so did my mom bless me and it has taken me decades to figure it out. 
May we never wait until our death bed to say we are sorry or try to fix difficult problems at the last minute of our life. Work out your problems now so life will be more enjoyable and God will be honored and funerals will be more of a celebration rather than a place of regret and unresolved issues.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Forgiving Someone Will Heal Your Heart

Day 20: Genesis 44:1:1-47:28
Forgiveness is often not our way, but it is always God's way. Grudge holding weighs us down. Hurtful words get stuck in our memory. Lies told about us are etched in our head as a reminder that we can never trust that person again. 
Joseph demonstrated that time has a way of healing the wounded heart and forgiveness is possible when God mends the heart that has been hurt by someone you truly love. 
When Joseph said to his brothers in Genesis 45:4-5, "'Come close to me.' When the brothers came close to him, he said to them, “I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold as a slave to go to Egypt. Now don’t be worried or angry with yourselves because you sold me here. God sent me here ahead of you to save people’s lives." proves that a man whose heart loves more and forgives often will be happier and more content in life. 
Joseph's display of forgiveness is a testimony of his relationship with God and love for family. He didn't live his life focused on the past and he didn't keep records of wrongs done to him; rather he used his past to shape him into the leader he ultimately became. 
1st Corinthians 13 says that love keeps no records of wrong. and Ephesians 4:32 say to "Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ." 
Forgiving someone will do more for the forgiver than for the one receiving the forgiveness. When we stop dragging around all the past hurts, pain from others and sins that someone has committed against us, then we will be free from the load that keeps us wrapped us in the past. It's time to unload the baggage and need it and they need it!


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Take the High Road

Day 19: Genesis 41:47:1-44:34

Paybacks can be brutal; especially if the wrongdoer is needing a favor from the one she has hurt.
Joseph has an opportunity to avenge the lies and deception of his brothers when they sold him into slavery and lied to their dad by saying that a wild animal attacked and killed him. 
Instead of wasting his time moping about his circumstances, Joseph finds a way to make lemonade out of lemons. He ultimately becomes the Governor of Egypt, only second to Pharaoh. 
Joseph never complains about the bad hand he was dealt or pointed fingers at his awful brothers or never said that life isn't fair. He found a way to work through life's challenges and lived his best in the worst possible circumstances. 
When a famine hits the entire world, Joseph has an opportunity for payback. When his brothers arrived in Egypt to purchase grain, Joseph recognized his brother, but they did not recognize Joseph. 
Joseph played with the brothers a bit. He allowed them to sweat a bit and put them to the test. However, not one time did Joseph ever want them hurt or dead. He loved them deeply and will eventually have an awesome family reunion.
When we have an opportunity to get revenge, pray first. Don't allow our anger to cause sin. We must allow forgiveness to be the hallmark for our actions towards anyone who harms us. I understand that it will be hard, but it's the only right action to take. Finally, let go of the grudges that we've held for so long against people who have hurt us. Give it to God and allow him to destroy the negative so that relationships will deepen and improve.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Life Script: The Rough Street or God's Street

Day 18: Genesis 39:1-41:46
The script on the Rough Street is to "do to others before they can do it to you!" Repay evil for evil...eye for eye...get even...protect our turf...fight to the death.
The script on God's Street is, "Do to others what you would want them to do to you." Luke 6:31 or “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." Matthew 5:38-39
Joseph was done wrong by his brothers and by Potiphar's wife. Joseph's bothers sold him into slavery and Potiphar's wife accused him of trying to seduce her. In both situations, Joseph spends time in confinement due to the heartless actions of others. 
I wonder what kind of script I would use if I experienced slavery and prison due to lies, jealousy and deception? The Rough Street? or God's Street? Sometimes it's hard to make the right choices when others are so bad, hateful or deceiving. 
For Joseph, he chose the higher road...the God Street. Never do we read that Joseph was plotting against his brothers or his false accuser. 
Because Joseph kept his focus on God, rather than his circumstances, "The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered." Genesis 39:2. Although Joseph went to prison because of a lie, Joseph's moral character never wavered when Potiphar's wife wanted to have an affair with him, Joseph said, "How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?" Genesis 39:9
We all make choices in life as to how we will respond to people who hurt us or temptation that is placed in front of us. Either we will fight back or run away. May we all drive on God's Street, rather than the Rough Street.


Monday, January 17, 2022

Jelousy Fuels Hate

Day 17: Genesis 37:1-38:30

Jealousy fills the mind with thoughts that has the potential to destroy ones heart and hurt others in the process. "For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind." James 3:16
Sibling jealousy will turn a family upside down and inside out and will destroy peace and love and rip families a part.
Joseph, the son of Jacob found out the hard way how his brothers felt about him being the favorite son and receiving gifts from their dad that they never got. The brothers rage, anger and envy boiled over when Joseph was out in the field telling his brothers that he had a dream that one day, all of them will bow down before him. I have to admit, that is a bit arrogant, but maybe Joseph was naive to think that his brothers would be an awe of his dream and be congratulated that God chose him to be the master over them.
The dream only infuriated his brothers and opened the door for their jealousy to take action against him. So, they plotted a scheme to throw Joseph in an empty tank that stored water and smear his coat in blood and tell their dad that an animal killed him. As they worked out the details, one cleaver brother, came up with the idea of selling their brother into they did and told their dad that a wild animal attacked Joseph and he is dead.
Jealousy brings out the worst in us. It takes us to places that hurts others and destroys lives and reputations. "Anger kills the fool, and jealousy slays the stupid." Job 5:2
Instead of allowing jealousy to control our thoughts and actions, work harder "Being kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ." Ephesians 4:3.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

What's In Your Family Tree?

Day 16: Genesis 36:1-43

Ever feel like there are pointless sections in the bible? I mean, why do I care about what son married someone's daughter and they had a bunch of kids and now they have a huge family?
Have you ever spent time trying to pronounce some of the names in the Old Testament? I can't say that I have mastered the name thing. 
Genesis 36 is a list of Esau's family. For some, the list in boring and unnecessary to know. For others, the family tree is very important to know for references and how the Edomites came to be. 
Family trees are important. Every family member has a purpose and a uniqueness. None of us were given a say as to what kind of family we prefer; it was God who matched us up with parents, grandparents, adopted parents or foster parents to raise us, teach us and guide us in life. 
Some of us were born into families that were kind, loving and supportive. Some of us were born into families that were harsh, abusive and godless. Some of us were born to parents who didn't want us, so they put us up for adoption. Still others were born into families who were strung out on drugs and/or alcohol.
No matter the family God chose for us, it is our decision as to how we will live within the family. Our destiny isn't determined by the family God chose for us; rather, by our complete surrender to the will of God. 
Esau's family will evolve into disobedience and will be known as a family of troublemakers. Esau saw his share of lies and deception growing up in a home where he and his brother were not equally loved by both parents. The impact love has on a child is huge and cannot be taken lightly. 
The family tree is what we make it out to be. We can either be a tree that flourishes in love, truth and godliness no matter how we were raised; or, we can become a product of our environment and pass down hostility, godlessness and discontent. 
No matter what we choose, every choice we make has consequences that will either be good or bad. So, how is your family tree flourishing?

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Women Were Not Made to be Sex Objects for Men

Day 15: Genesis 34:1-35:29

God did not make women to be a sex object for men. God did not make women inferior to any man. God did not place more value on men than he did women. God did not make women to be domesticated house wives with no other purpose in life. God did not make women with less intelligence than men. 
Dinah, was Jacob's daughter. One day, she decided she would go out into the land and visit some other women Out of nowhere, this guy Shechem sees her, abducts her and then rapes her. 
When Dinah's dad finds out, he waits for a bit until his boys get home. Meanwhile, the rapist's dad, Hamor comes out to talk with Jacob about Dinah. Hamor says, "My son Shechem has his heart set on your daughter. Please give her to him as a wife." Genesis 34:8
This is one of the stories that makes my blood boil. If that were my daughter, I would not have waited until the boys got home to avenge my daughters rape. Also, I would not be negotiating with the rapist's dad about a wedding day. 
It appears that Jacob was more concerned about his own standing and safety in the community than he was protecting his daughter. At least Dinah's brothers brought about justice for their sister.
I totally understand there is a wrong and right way to bring about justice, but for a dad to simply do nothing isn't going to win him any "dad of the year" award! 
The story also demonstrates the lack of respect they had for women. While Dinah is distraught from being raped, the two dads are in a field working out a deal. How repugnant this entire story is for me to read.
God values every human being. No one has the right to touch another persons body without their consent. No one should go through life being made to feel they are worthless. Women and men are co-equals in life. May we respect both genders and accept the uniqueness of each other and always value the person for who God made them to be.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Family Fueds Mess Up Family Reunions

Day 14: Genesis 31:1-33:20

Family feuds are among the most difficult experiences in life. When families are unable to overcome disagreements, it hurts everyone involved and future generations. 
Brothers, Esau and Jacob spent twenty years not talking to each other due to deception and lies. Jacob took advantage of their father Isaac's blindness by pretending to be his older brother, Esau. Esau was the rightful heir to the blessing from his father, but out of greed, Jacob wanted it and deceived his father to get it. 
When Esau found out about the deception of his brother, he fumed with anger and hatred. He wanted his brother dead. So, Jacob left town and for twenty years, he lived with his uncle taking care of his farm.
Greed. Pride. Selfishness. Disrespect. Control. Lies. Deception. All of these destroys families. Years go by and no phones calls. Letters. Texts. Nothing. No one is willing to make the first move. Years go by and everyone is bent on blaming the others. 
Proverbs 11:29 profoundly states that, "Those who bring trouble on their families inherit the wind. The fool will be a servant to the wise."
After twenty years, "Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept...." Genesis 33:4 
No matter the dispute, isn't it time to reconcile? Don't allow personalities, "things," past arguments, or attitudes get in the way of reconciling family relationships. Reunions are a lot better when the entire family is there.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Taking Advantage of Others Shows Shallowness

Day 13: Genesis 29:1-30:43

One way a person takes advantage of another person is by misrepresenting the truth for their own gain. Power. Control. Insecurities. Narcissism. Manipulation. 
Laban in Genesis 29 is the uncle to Jacob. Jacob wants one of Laban's daughters to be his wife. Laban, a quick on his feet thinker decides to take advantage of his nephew for his own personal gain. Jacob falls in love with Laban's daughter, Rachel. In order to marry her, Laban required that Jacob work for him seven years. Jacob agrees to work. After completing the contract, Laban reneges on the agreement and gives his daughter, Leah to Jacob instead of Rachel. 
Jacob confronts Laban about his deception, but Laban said if you really want Rachel, you will have to work another seven years. Because Jacob loved, Rachel, he agrees to work. Laban's character was a testimony of his heart.
There are many people just like Laban. They are always looking out for themselves. They gain off the hard work and sweat of others, while they live a lavished life.
Sadly, there are others taken advantage of by the control and manipulation of family members. The deception is to pretend they can't do for themselves or they have no one else or they make you feel guilty for not helping. These people are masters at taking advantage of the kind, compassionate, gentle hearts who never want to hurt or upset anyone, so they fall victim to the manipulation. There are countless people who live their lives under the spell of someone who constantly takes advantage of them. 
The best advice I will give is this: When dealing with people, never take advantage of the kindhearted person. Make sure you have everyone's best interest at heart. Never make anyone feel badly for saying no. Don't force anyone to do something they are not able to do. And, allow others to live their life free from guilt and stress.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Lying is Not a Good Look

Day 12: Genesis 26:35-28:22

Is lying ever acceptable? What about deceit, is there ever a time that it's ok to deceive someone for the sake of your own gain?
Is it ever ok for a mother to love one child more than the other children? Is it ever right to manipulate your husband by using your son?
The saga of Isaac, Rebekah, Esau and Jacob would be a great made for cable sitcom. Maybe the title could be, "Dysfunctional Family" or "Lying for Blessings" or “Wild Game and Hairy Arms Gets you Blessed"
Rebekah's willingness to deceive her husband and accept a curse for the sake of her son Jacob being the blessed child over Esau is a new level of low. How can Rebekah justify her behavior as being acceptable? No sane person would think Rebekah had her children's best interest at heart. 
There is nothing right about lying or deception. The consequences may not reveal itself immediately, but sooner or later, it will. A person can lie for so long before the truth reveals itself. Proverbs 12:19 states, "Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment."
Deception can only go for so long before someone will figure it out. Proverbs 11:3 says, "Honesty guides good people; dishonesty destroys treacherous people."
The Isaac family has a lot to learn about family unity, trust, truthfulness and transparency. May we never take a page out of their parenting book and use it on our own children. Use this story as proof "what not to do" so our homes will be strengthened by truth over lies and faithfulness over deception.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

When You are Hungry, Don't Make Major Decisions

Day 11: Genesis 25:1-26:33

Taking responsibility for what has been given to us is very important. We cannot be nonchalant about our roles in life. It is imperative to value the responsibilities one has been given in order to be effective, as well as, live out the purpose for which we were created to do. 
Isaac and Rebekah were blessed with twins, Esau and Jacob. Since Esau was the first-born, he is automatically became the heir to the birthright of his father, Isaac. However, Esau wanted his stomach to be filled with food more than he wanted to fulfill the role given to him as the first-born son. Jacob, the younger son was cooking soup when starving Esau comes into the house. Esau asked Jacob for some soup, but instead of simply sharing, Jacob wanted this birthright in exchanged for giving his brother the soup.
Apparently, Esau had less value for the birthright and was more concerned about eating. So, Esau agreed to give his birthright to Jacob in exchange for a bowl of soup. 
It is possible that we are careless with the responsibilities given to us by God. We may see the responsibility as meaningless due to not understanding the full scope of what has been given; or, we simply do not care and would rather fill our lives with what satisfies us in the moment. 
Because Esau chose food over the birthright, he became inferior to his younger brother and the Hebrew nation. That is a huge price to pay to fill up a stomach. 
Making the right decisions when we are vulnerable is crucial. Before making major decisions, take a step back, evaluate the situation and ensure we know exactly what the positives and negatives are before we make the final decision.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Take Your Oath to God Seriously

Day 10:   Genesis 24:1-67
Making an oath isn’t something to take lightly. In a court setting, the witness will declare an oath of truthfulness. If the witness lies under oath, they are subject to prosecution and a possibility of jail time.
Military recruit’s oath is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that He/she will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that He/she will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. To disobey the military oath can result in jail time and a dishonorable discharge. 
Abraham, in Genesis 24 has his senior servant take an oath of instruction. Abraham wanted his senior servant to find a wife for his son Isaac; however, the wife must come from his homeland and among his relatives and under no circumstances is the wife to come from the canaanites. The senior servant pledges his oath and sets off to find Isaac a wife. 
Christians take an oath, too! Our oath is to live our lives according to Scripture and to model the life of Christ. When a person makes the decision to follow Jesus, they strip themselves of their own desires and lifestyle and carnal behavior and “submit to God” James 4:7. 
Our spiritual oath isn’t to be taken lightly, either. If we fail in our oath, the consequences can be eternally detrimental.
It is imperative that we take our oath to God seriously, courageously and prayerfully!


Sunday, January 9, 2022

When Your Faith is Tested, Do You Pass or Fail?

Day 9: Genesis 22:1-23:20

When we are tested by God, it isn't to see how weak our faith, trust or love is; rather, it is to see how willingly we are to trust God in the most difficult circumstances in life. 
God isn't interested in making our lives miserable or to create doubt in our minds about his ability to provide what we need; rather, its to test our willingness to give every ounce of our faith to believe that God is able to get us through life's difficulties. 
Abraham's faith was tested by God. The faith test was to sacrifice his son as an offering to God. God said to Abraham, "take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about." It was told that Abraham did exactly as God instructed in Genesis 22. 
Abraham never questioned God's instruction, nor did he try to make a deal to keep from sacrificing his only son. Because of his faith and obedience, God said to Abraham, "Do not lay a hand on the boy, do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son."
God may never test us through sacrificing a child, but he could test us with our health or finances or. God may want to see if your faith is shallow or deep. He wants to know how invested you are in Him, rather than yourself, money, fame or family. 
The way we take on the tests we experience is a testimony of our devotion to God or the lack thereof. Proverbs 17:3 says, "Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the Lord tests the heart." God wants us to succeed in life. He wants us to overcome the challenges we face on a daily basis. He wants us to be devoted wholly to him and when life is tough and health gets bad and money is depleted, our faith in him to get us through the rough spots of life is crucial. 
Testings will come. Always be ready to take the test with faith leading the way.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Deceit Will Destroy Us

Day 8: Genesis 20:1-21:21
Deceiving someone into believing something is true, when in fact it isn't, that is called dishonesty and disrespectful and sinful. There is never any room for misleading anyone by concealing truth to save oneself from being caught in lies or other dishonesties.
Abraham, in Genesis 20 created a lot of problems for a lot of people because of his deception. Abraham told King Abimelech that his wife, Sarah was his sister in order to safe himself from being killed. Technically, Abraham was right since Sarah was his half-sister, but nevertheless, the truth was, Sarah was his wife. 
No matter the justification, deception is still unacceptable. It doesn't matter how we want to make exceptions for the reasons or the circumstances behind the deceit, it is never right. 
Truth is always the best policy. Truth may land us in jail or hurt someone we love or cost us friends, but in the end, it is God we are answerable to and he will demand a straight up reason for our deceitful behavior.
Christians today have a responsibility to live out God's Word publicly and privately. We cannot pretend to be God seeking, Bible believing, righteous touting, prayer warrior, Sunday worshipers and then live reckless lives by watching pornography in private, gossiping about our "friends," lusting over a man that's not your husband, lying in your resume, stealing from your boss by taking extra time for lunch or by verbally abusing your wife.
The world never needs to think Christians cannot be trusted. We must be the best we can be 24/7, 365 days a year for a lifetime. Life is challenging and sin is difficult to overcome, but saying we are a believer in Jesus and not practicing what we preach is outright deceptive. 
Christians have an opportunity to showcase God positively. When we do what is right and lead with godly moral standards, it will change the world for the better!


Friday, January 7, 2022

Sin is Not an Option

Day 7: Genesis 18:1-19:28

Sin is not an option with God. When he says, "don't do it," it's not an option or up for debate. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Gensis18 is a testimony of God's lack of tolerance for wicked behavior.
Sodom and Gomorrah were cities of godlessness. Their behavior was "so grievous" that God no longer gave them the satisfaction of acting out in their own wicked ways any longer. 
Sin separates us with God. Sin will destroy our eternity, ruin families, hurt the ones we love the most, bring shame upon ourselves and cause disappointment with God. 
Sin isn't something we brag about or win trophies to set on our mantels, rather, sin makes a mockery out of God and it makes us look like careless human beings. 
Sin cannot be excused. We must be willing to own up to the blatant disregard for God's Word. Sin cannot be blamed on anyone but ourselves. We cannot blame the devil either, by saying, "the devil made me do it." 
Sin is not a friend of God or truth; rather, it's an enemy to the One who gave us the Words to live by. Sin will mock truth and pervert righteousness and destroy the ideals of godly values, morals and ethics. Sin will capture hearts and hold them hostage. 
The best way to overcome sin is to "seek righteousness" and to "draw near to God.” Pray often. Run away from wrongdoing and wrongdoers. Pay attention to the temptations you experience and take them seriously. And, don't park anywhere in life that isn't meant for truth seekers.