Thursday, January 6, 2022

Trust God to do What He Says He Will Do

Day 6: Genesis 15:1-17:27

It can be frustrating to wait on God. His timing is rarely our timing. God doesn't set his schedule to our calendar and he rarely does any act exactly the way we think he should do it.
God is masterful at knowing how to make our lives better and he knows the exact time when something needs to be done. Often, when God doesn't act as quickly as we think he should, we take matters into our own hands. We make a mess out of life and we become more desperate for God's help. 
Abram and Sarai had a trusting and patience issue. God promised Abram a massive inheritance that his children will inherit. Abram saw one big problem, he doesn't have any of his own children. God tells Abram, hold on, a son is coming. Trust me. But, like most of us, we take matters into our own hands and try to get ahead of God and his plans. 
Sarai, Abrams wife got this crazy idea that her husband should sleep with her servant, Hagar and try to have a baby since she was unable to have children. Abram takes her up on the idea and ends up having a child with Hagar. Like most ridiculous plans, Sarai ends up getting jealous of Hagar and mad at her husband for her own idea. If she would have been patient and trusted God in his timing, she would have saved herself a lot of heartache. 
Whenever we try to take matters into our own hands, we will mess it up every time. Trust God in the process and move out of the way. Life will work out the way God needs for it to work out.

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