Saturday, January 1, 2022

God Made It

Day 1: Genesis 1:1-3:24

God is the creator of heaven and earth and lights and the sky; along with, water, land, seas and the sun and moon and stars and vegetation and sea and land animals and birds and us, that’s right, every human! That’s a lot of creating for a weeks worth of work.

Creation wasn’t happenstance that one day everything appeared as if some explosion happened and everything fell into place; rather, God spoke the complexity of creation into existence for his pleasure and for our enjoyment. The Hebrew writer said it best when he wrote, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”Hebrews 11:3

God’s creation is a gift to humanity. The vastness of the ocean or the enormous mountain peaks is a gift from God. The tiniest insect to the huge gorillas is a gift from God. The billions upon billions of galaxies is a gift from God. The brightness and warmth of the sun to the nightlight of the moon is a gift from God.

God has given us life to live on his earth and we need to ensure we take the best care of what he gifts us to enjoy every day. His love for us is bigger than we can comprehend and his desire to see us happy and content is clearly seen every day as he continues to rotate us around the sun.

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