Friday, February 4, 2022

Why Give Offerings to the Church

 Day 35:  Numbers 3:1-10; Numbers 3:11-13; 8:5-26; 7:1-8:4

Do you ever feel like church leaders are more concerned about money more than they are about people?  I totally understand that money is needed for the ministries, building upkeep and salaries for staff, but is it possible that more attention is placed on money more than ministry?  

We can drive through towns all across America and see a plethora of church facilities.  There are a couple of streets in a town in Alabama where it's literally church building row.  I'm talking about church yards connecting to other church yards in a span of a mile or so.  One right after another.  One denomination after another.    One big and nice building after another.    

God told Moses to tell the 12 tribal leaders of the Israelites to bring offerings for the dedication of the tabernacle.  God was specific in the offerings brought for the dedication.  It was Israel's spiritual investment and obedience to God's instructions.  The offerings were a symbol of Israel's willingness to do what God instructed, but also to have a place to atone their sins.  Numbers 7:1-8:4

It's not wrong in and of itself to have places of worship.  It's not wrong to have church buildings next to another church building and it's not wrong to have big and nice buildings as places to worship God as a community.  However, what is wrong is if we are knee deep in debt over having a nice place to worship that it takes away from ministering to the community spiritually and physically.  And, what else is wrong is if we can't fellowship with the church next door because we disagree with their theology.

Offerings are needed to function.  The Christians in Corinth set aside money to help other believers and to share the gospel throughout the world, 1st Corinthians 16:2.   The offerings can be used for staff as they serve as ambassadors of the church to share truth and lead believers spiritually.  The offerings also are used to take care of widows who are penniless and have no one to care for them and to ensure children who are parentless have a place to live, food to eat and clothes to wear, James 1:27.

Giving offerings is an opportunity to showcase your love for God mostly and to share your blessings with others who have less due to loss of job or hit hard times.  

The church must not be more focused on their facilities where they meet more than focusing on the people they are called to serve.  

Remember, Be God Controlled!

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